Chapter 16: Guilt

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Luffy and I had split up, him going to beat Croc's ass and me going to stop as many casualties as I could.

So here I was, running around knocking people out with my devilfruit. My legs began to feel heavy as the gravel crunched under my feet as I tried to surpass my limits.

I had used my devil fruit on many people before this, but at such a large scale and at the same time? It was something I was struggling to get used to. Considering they were all weaker than me—the people and the rebels—it was easy to knock them out, but my stamina could only go so far.

My hands were on my knees as I panted, not knowing how I would be able to get to everyone as I looked out into the crowd of millions and millions of people.

Eventually though, Luffy gave me permission to stop as I see Crocodiles body fly out of the building they were fighting in. A weak smile stretches across my face before my eyes catch a vague blue color and Vivi's voice reaches my ears.

I look over to the people who I knocked out, knowing they had to hear this, as I placed my hand on the floor trying something that I had never done before.

Lets hope this works....


Soon enough people started waking up, although it wasn't everyone which caused me to go and wake them up manually.

At this point my limbs were as heavy as the weights Zoro lifts and I struggled to stay standing up straight, my eyes the same as my limbs.

A drawback, I suppose.

I narrowed my eyes, trying to stay awake as I kept my attention on the blue haired princess.

"The rain falling right now will fall again like it used that our nightmares have passed."

A man with long, curly hair supported his princess, carrying a child in his arms and announcing to the crowd about the actual truth.

The wind flew past me, carrying the impactful words from the princess. A thought of whether I had been that good to my people crossed my mind and immediately I was overwhelmed with guilt, asking the same question I've been asking myself these past days.

Did I really make the right choice? Should I have stayed?

I knew that me and Vivi's situations were completely different, after all her country had been going through a war and my country was just going through family problems. It's not like we were fighting for our lives. It seemed unfair to compare the two of our situations, but there was one distinct similarity.

Our people needed us.

I left before I could even make sure they were okay. I have no idea what my father did once he woke up or if he punished the townspeople because of it. I have no idea if there were any other pirates stopping by and if my father would even want to deal with them.







Am I really as good of a princess as I make myself out to be?

Rain hits my face harshly as the people around me were smiling and crying, but a blank face was all you could see from me as I stared at the princess of Alabasta.

Did my people tell me to go so that they could get rid of me?

Images of my people smiling, laughing, and talking to me flashed in my head causing me to immediately discard my last thought.

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