Chapter 5: Marines in Nanohana

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From now on ~•~ is Timeskip and *** means the POV has changed. It's only ever gonna switch from first person pov and second person pov.

I sweat dropped at the scolding Luffy was getting for eating all the food while Karoo, Usopp, and Chopper tried finishing the food in their mouth.

Maybe I shouldn't have given him that snack?

Sanji sauntered over to the three after asking Nami for a lockable fridge. "Have you guys managed to catch anything?"

The three tried to nervously get him off their backs in which Sanji just ended up smashing all three of their heads together.


"Nami! We have a problem! Come quick!" Vivi spoke with urgency as she opened the door to the kitchen.

We all walked out as Nami began to explain how hotspots worked as we all listened intently.

Sanji interlocked his fingers and held it close to his face as his eyes turned to hearts. "You're so cool, Nami-swan!"

I sweatdropped at the blonde boy.

He really is for everyone...

Luffy asked Sanji for food—even though he ate the rest of it—and the cook let out a big sigh saying he'd go check the storage thoroughly for anything to eat.

I followed shortly after as I felt bad that the cook had to deal with Luffy and the other's shinanegans.

The wooden door let out a creak along with the floorboards as it opened, alerting the blonde.

"Y/n-swan?!" He immediately dropped what he was doing and tornadoed over towards me.

"Hi Sanji." I gave him a polite smile, closing the door behind me. "I felt bad that Luffy ate all the food and it's causing you stress. So um..."

He watched curiously as I attempted to get something out my pocket, but was struggling due to the awkwardness.

"Well as you know, I am a former princess from a pretty wealthy kingdom...and I overheard you talking about wanting to buy a lockable fridge."

His eyes enlarged ever so slightly as I pulled some Berrys out my pocket.

"I know it's not that much, but I figured since Nami's very stingy with the money it's kinda hard to get what you want so I wanted to give you some of the money I brought with me."

I tried to hand him the money but he blew the situation out of proportion by screaming stuff about how a woman shouldn't be paying a man and how I'm too precious and his eyes are burning from my light.

"S-sanji?" I asked cautiously, trying to defuse the situation not really seeing how any of this could elicit such a reaction.

He stopped spinning all over the room to push my hand full of money away as he shook his head with a soft smile. "Seriously though Y/n-swan, I cant accept this. It would go against everything I stand for and plus I've dealt with these idiots long enough to know this would happen."

"Are you sure Sanji?"

"Yes Y/n-swan!"

My lips were directed to the side as I narrowed my eyes with a pout. I hummed suspiciously, not wanting to accept his answer, but nonetheless I accepted it. "At least let me help you make something."

His eyes shifted towards the storage room with unease. "But Y/n-swan we barely have anything..."

"Well let's see the damage!"

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