Chapter 14: Whitebeard Pirates

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"Are you sure it was okay to leave like that?"

Ace continued to load his bags along with mine in his small ship with a smile that hasn't left his face since we left. "He'll be fine. He's Luffy after all."

I hummed at this answer, not really expecting anything less from the man. Climbing into the ship and sitting down, I held onto the sides, already knowing how the ship works.

Ace stood in front of me with a grin as he looked back at me full of excitement. "You ready?"

A crooked smile possessed my lips as I let out a sigh. "As ready as Ill ever be."

"That's good enough!"

And with that we zoomed off, heading to the direction of the Yonko's ship. Ace explained a few things along with some warnings on the way there like how strong Whitebeard was along with his position and how some specific crew members were.

The one that caught my interest the most was a man named Marco. Ace had told me that they had similar Devil fruits, but failed to explain it more in depth. He decided to emphasize more on the fact that this Marco guy was a player and that if he flirts with me I should know that he does it to most girls.

A large wooden ship enters our view as it flew a big jolly Rodger of a skull with a white mustache. A man peers at us from the crows nest and shouts something to the rest of the crew. We can see all kinds of men running around the ship, getting barrels and food out while the rest leaned over the railing to look at us.

"It's Ace! And....a woman?!"

Upon a crew member's shout, everyone stopped what they were doing to run over and get a better look.

Ace chuckled bashfully at his crew members reaction. "Pops has a lot of sons, but no daughters so you can understand how big of a deal it is when they see a woman..."

What in the hell...

Ace ties his ship to Whitebeard's ship and grabs me by my waist before bringing us both on deck using his devil fruit.

Silence filled the deck as the crowd of men and boys stared at me and then at Ace, but finalizing on me.

"And she's a looker!"

"Oi! Ace! Don't tell me she's your girlfriend!"

"No way Ace could score a woman like that!"

The crowd seemed to make comments and jokes about Ace and I, making Ace slowly grow irritated and me uncomfortable.

"Can't you guys see you're making the beautiful lady uncomfortable, yoi?"


My head tilts at the peculiar mannerism, forgetting how uncomfortable I was before. The smooth voice had grabbed my attention making me turn to the left to see a tall man emerging from the crowd, his hair resembling that of the leaves of a pineapple.

The man looked at me through half-lidded eyes, amusement evident in his black orbs and clear voice. He smiled at me politely, though something told me he had hidden intentions, before holding his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Marco, 1st division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates-yoi."

I smiled, not seeing what Ace was so worried about as I shake his hand politely. "Y/n L/n, It's nice to put a face to a name."

"I see Ace has told you about me-yoi ," Marco sent a glance to the 2nd division commander who glared at him in response. The pineapple haired man turned to me once more, his smile widening. "Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Princess Y/n."

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