Authors note

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Hello there!

I didn't really want to publish any authors notes on this book since I wanted to keep it a more professional type book, but I just wanted to explain a few things!

1: Love interests

This is a harem book. No, it is not those types where it's love at first sight (unless the character is the type to think this) or it's everyone and their mama. I pick and choose who I want you to have a romantic relationship with.

There are plenty of characters who will be platonic friends only like Bon Clay, Helmeppo, Benn Beckman, Jimbe, Chopper, Bepo, etc.

And there are characters that won't have strong romantic situations with you, but will have deep conversations or intimate moments that you will decide whether it is platonic or romantic. Situations and conversations like these are usually ones where the character in question shows strong emotions towards you like admiration or respect that aren't specifically defined as feelings for you. It is up to you to determine in your imagination whether you consider these friendly interactions or romantic interactions. Characters like this would be Robin, Franky, Koby, Killer, etc.

And of course there are those who I make apparent is a love interest. Feelings for you and all. These would be characters like the Monster Trio, Law, Usopp, Shanks, etc.

The only time I would change your relationship with a character is if you tell me you want someone to be a love interest or you feel uncomfortable with them being a love interest. Please be mindful because as much as I'd love to write a story following everyone's wants and needs, it is impossible.

2: Pacing

As a fanfic author, I pride myself on making things more realistic. That means I refuse to make it so that Zoro immediately falls in love with you and the same goes with other characters.

This book is mainly about the small conversations or interactions you have with the characters. That's what builds relationships. And I skip episodes that will help move the story along faster to make up for the amount of small, slightly boring interactions you have with the characters.

If there is ever any episode or arc that I skip that you want me to cover then comment or message me and I will make it as a filler. (I'm in the process of the Skypeia one don't worry!!)

3: Staying true to the Character

I try my hardest to make sure the conversations and behavior match with the characters actual personality. Even if it is a part of their personality that viewers and readers do not like to be exposed to or acknowledge.

If you ever feel like a character is not acting like themselves at all please feel free to message me or comment and I will take it into consideration!

4: Comments

Even though I don't reply to them, I do read and see all of the comments on this book. I love reading them, they're my favorite part of writing on here, but I ask that you please keep any negatives to yourself when it comes to how this book is written. If there is genuinely something bothering you please message me separately so that we do not have to ruin someone else's experience!

5: Free will

No, there's not actually someone named Will that I'm trying to free. This is the last thing I want to mention on here so please take this into consideration. I respect you and I acknowledge your opinions, but I am just here to share a story that hopefully sparks happiness and comfort for people who need it, like me.

So I ask you, please, if you do not like the book: close it.

No one is forcing you to read this and no one is telling you to finish it. You are able to read it if you want and close it if you want. Do what'll benefit not only you, but others as well.

And with that said, apologies for this horrible lecture! Back to the story!!🫶🏽🫶🏽

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