Chapter 30: Dispute

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"I'm sorry...because of me...the money..." Usopp leaped into Zoro and ended up clinging to his leg, "I'm sorry!"

The green haired man panicked, not liking the physical touch one bit, "Okay we get it! Get off!"

Chopper smiled, probably happy to have Usopp back as he warned him that he should be laying down still.

The corners of my lips lifted at how lively Usopp was and how panicked Zoro became. I gently pushed the long nosed boy back down by his shoulder, "You should listen to Chopper, Usopp."

He nodded at me with a thankful smile before looking back at Luffy, "But still what are gonna do about the ship? You think first class shipwrights will be able to fix Merry for only 100 million berries?"

The atmosphere seemed to get tense as we all looked to Luffy, waiting for him to deliver the news.

An empty smile was present on the captains lips as he explained that we were going to say goodbye to Merry, "I'm sorry about making the decision without consulting you. I took a look through the catalogue old man Iceburg gave us and there's all kinds of ships! We can even get one bigger than Merry!"

Usopp froze.

I pinched the cloth of my clothes with anxiety and anticipation, not looking forward to the upcoming conversation.

"Oi Luffy, wait. You're taking this joke a little too seriously. Look even Chopper is starting to believe you!" Usopp desperately gestured to chopper with an uneasy smile.

Luffys smile dropped as he showed Usopp that he was serious to which the boy looked at in belief.

"Hang mean you're actually trying to get rid of Merry?! Why?! What's wrong with you?!"

Luffy seemed to tense up as Usopp stood up and started yelling in his face, "I've already made the decision. Merry got us through a lot of adventures, but it's time to let her go."

"Are you trying to be considerate?! Is it because of the money?!" Usopp waved his hands hysterically as his body responded to his rage and confusion, "It's cause I lost out money so we're short right?!"

"No!" Luffy threw his arm, standing up as well, "It's not because of the money! This has nothing to do with the money!"

"Oi! Calm down and talk about it!" Zoro tried to diffuse the situation, but was ignored.

Chopper tried too, explaining to Usopp that his condition would get worse, but his concerns fell on deaf ears.

"Then what is it?! If you're really not being considerate then tell me Luffy! What are you hiding?"

"Merry..." Luffy had a deep frown as his eyes became shadowed when he looked down, "This ship cant be repaired anymore."

Uncomfortable silence filled the air as the rest of us shifted anxiously. I hated it so much. None of us knew what to say and it seemed like the situation was only getting worse.

Usopp had fell on his knees, despair filling his eyes as stumbled on his words, "W-what did you just say?"

Pain was evident in Luffy's voice and I could tell our captain was hurting as well, "She can't be repaired anymore! It doesn't matter what we do or how much money we have!"

"Oh I get it..." Usopp let out an empty laugh with an sarcastic smile, "So we sail on this ship for months and she's lived through how many adventures and you're just going to believe some strangers and give up this easily?!"

My eyebrows furrowed at the insensitive comment. Luffy had acted the same way when he found out about Merry and he was only doing what was best for Merry and the crew now. I understood that Usopp was grieving and in denial, but to completely assume that Luffy instantly cold heartedly would drop Merry like that, one of our friends, was disrespectful and not okay.

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