Chapter 15: Fight

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"Y/n," A voice spoke out as they gently shook me awake.

I wake up to Ace with his bag slung over his shoulder, looking like he was leaving somewhere. "Ace?"

He smiled at me softly, his hand still resting on my shoulder. "Hey, I got word about Blackbeard's location so I gotta leave. Marco's gonna take you to Alabasta for me, okay?"

I sat up, running my hand through my hair and propping myself up with my arm. "Okay, just be careful yeah? Don't go getting yourself killed."

Ace smirked confidently at my words, dismissing them completely. "Who do you think I am? I won't die, I promise."

I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously before I laid back down and closed them once again considering it wasn't even fully morning. "Yeah, yeah whatever."


I hummed in acknowledgment, not bothering to move from my comfortable spot on the bed.

Since Ace wasn't having it, he pushed my shoulder down, forcing me to turn towards him. "Once all of this Blackbeard shit blows over," He moved my hair out of my face like he did that night. "I swear I'll find you and when that time comes I won't let you go."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, not fully understanding why he was saying such a thing. "Ace, what do you mean?"

He leaned down to my face and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry for taking you for granted. The next time I see you, Ill tell you how I really feel."

My brain couldn't process what just happened as he began to walk out the door. The cheek that he kissed felt more noticeable than every other part of my body as heat rushed to my cheeks.

I didn't know why, but something was screaming at me to stop the man and not let him leave. As much as I wanted to listen to myself, I couldn't do that. It would be unfair to him. This was something he had to do, I didn't have a say in it.

So I opted for option two. Right before he left the room, I called his name as I got out the bed. A shadow casted on my face as he looked back at me, his obsidian eyes glazed with worry. I stopped in front of him and, without giving him any time to think or me any time to chicken out, I kissed him.

I. Fucking. Kissed. Him.

My brain started screaming at me, telling me that she just wanted me to stop him not full on kiss him, but my body moved on its own.

Ace melted into the kiss, his hands holding my face delicately as if I would break if he was any less gentle.

We parted and he looked at me with questioning eyes, moving from my right eye to my left as he tried to figure out what was going on in my mind.

"You have to come back," My hands rested on the crook of his neck as I gaze up at him with a stern look, but desperate eyes. "Or I swear to god I will drag you back myself."

He smiled, a smile I haven't seen on the males face this whole time I've known him. It was pure happiness. It was as if his expression was telling me that he didn't care about the past or the future, he was content and happy with what was happening right now. Just looking at the shining man made all my worries dissipate.

He seemed to happy to form actual words as he nodded with a joyful hum, spinning on his heel and opening the door.

"And Ace," I called out softly, a gentle look on my face with eyes holding a glint of sympathy. "This whole Blackbeard and Thatch situation, none of it is your fault."

Ace seemed surprised at my words before his lips rested in a soft smile, his eyes glowing in nothing but adoration and another emotion I couldn't describe. His lips parted before closing after a pause, the words he wanted to speak retreating back at the thought of something.

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