Chapter 39: CP9 Fight

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A big explosion was heard a few feet in front of me. It was my indicator that told me I was getting close. I had finally found my way on the right track to Robin and Spandam. I caught a glimpse of blue hair earlier so I'm assuming that explosion was Franky.

I walked through the smoke, not seeing any sign of the Cyborg, but seeing Spandam and Robin's outline along with some marines. My steps were unheard since everyone was too busy trying to figure out where Usopp was shooting from.

"The Tower of Hell?! He's shooting us from that distance?!" A marine shouts as they try to aim their gun, but it's futile.

I scoffed at their useless attempt as I spoke in a clear voice, "Aw man, leave some for me, Sogeking." The sniper couldn't hear me, but Spandam and the rest did.

"You!" Spandam stepped closer with an aggravated look, "What are you doing here?!"

I quirked and eyebrow at him as I took out my scythe, "What do you mean? I'm obviously here for Robin," I smiled excitedly with a shrug and an eye roll, "And to kick your ass."

Spandam let out a belly laugh as he mocked my words, tears falling out of his eyes as he found me hilarious, "You're kidding right?! What's a pampered princess like you supposed to do?! Call your daddy?!"

My smile instantly dropped and my eyes relaxed into half lidded eyes as I listened to him laugh and say those same words that have been getting on my nerves. I didn't say anything back to him though, scum like him didn't deserve a response. Instead, I chucked my scythe at him and it spun in the air on the path to its head.

Spandam ducked just in time to save his head and my scythe landed forcefully into the gates, cracking it a bit due to the strength behind the throw, "Hey! Watch where you're throwing your toys, princess!" Spandam turned to look back at me after his gaze followed my scythe, but I wasn't there.

"Who are you calling a pampered princess?" I had my left hand on his left shoulder and my right hand held a dagger to his neck as I stood behind him with my lips close to his ear, venom seeping from it.

Spandam froze and I felt him starting shake slightly. He didn't dare say a word for if he did his throat would rub against the dagger.

I glared at him harshly, nothing but animosity and disgust towards the marine, "You say I'm a pampered princess, but look at you." My eyes shift to Robin and I nod at her, silently telling her to make a run for it, "You're so weak, it's pathetic. All you have is a strong sword that you don't even know how to use and bodyguards to defeat opponents cause you don't stand a chance."

Robin ran away and marines pointed their guns at her, firing away, but Franky jumped in front of her and took the shots considering his body is made of iron.

"Look at that Spandam," I spoke in a low threatening voice and I swore he was about ready to pee his pants, "All your plans, all your hopes and dreams are fading away in front of you, and rightfully so. You did nothing—nothing—to come this far. You just sat in your chair and whined like a little bitch baby when things didn't go your way," I pressed the dagger further and it drew blood; an overwhelming feeling of bloodlust filled up in my chest, but I didn't care, "So tell me, who's really the pampered one here?"

His shoulders were tensed up and he had the straightest posture I had ever seen. In his eyes: true fear. Every ounce of cockiness he held and flaunted before vanished and seemed like it never even existed.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

Something about the way he looked like a baby deer helpless in front of a predator felt...exhilarating to me. It almost felt...good. I didn't want to stop and I couldn't help the way the corner of my lips curled up slightly, barley noticeable to the naked eye.

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