Chapter 62: Flying Fish Riders

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It surrounds me and yet I seem perfectly fine. It does not make it harder to breathe. It does not burn me. It doesn't even make me flinch. The voice talking in the distance, however, seemed to be unfortunate enough to not share my same tolerance as he spoke in grunts and grimaces.

He seemed familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it. I walked around the strange place, fire burning whatever was in its path making it hard to really see anything. I tried to follow the voice, wanting to find out who he was as I listened to his incoherent words.

I walked for a while before I had finally begun to see a silhouette of a person on their knees with their head down. I was too far away to see any real details of their body or clothing. Before I could get close enough to make out who it was, clear and distinct footsteps echoed behind me. For some reason, my heart dropped lower and lower in my chest as each step came to be.

I froze in place before finding the courage to look behind me to see who it was. After a few more steps the figure had finally appeared throughout the flames, untouched like me. Only this figure was not one that anyone would want to see. It walked towards me, a weapon similar to mine as it wore a black cloak with a hood. Once it got close enough, it towered over me due to the significant height difference.

My heartbeat sped up in fear, scared of the figure and why it was here. I begged for it to leave me alone, though the words were only said in my head. Just as the figure reached me and I thought it was over, it walked past me. It seemed more interested in whoever it was that was in pain before. For a brief second, I was relieved.

Thank god it wasn't me. Thank god I could live to see another day.

But I was wrong.

When the voice I had heard earlier spoke out one specific line, I had instantly recognized the voice. An affection tone that made me believe that he had no regrets at all as he spoke, "Thank you."

I took a sharp inhale as his voice registered in my head. My heartbeat quickened once again as I cursed at myself for not recognizing him earlier. I remembered the figure cloaked in black that had completely ignored me and I went to turn around to stop it. What I would do against a being like that is beyond me, but I had to do something.

I couldn't let it near him.

It was futile though. Once I turned around I had shot up from my bed in a cold sweat and tired lungs. The sun had just rose as light blue light shines through my window. I placed a hand on my chest to try and calm myself down as I felt my eyes begin to water from the nightmare. Two peoples words echoed in my mind. One brought me comfort, but after hearing the second one all it could bring me was anxiety.

"I'll save it for when I see you again."

My hand clenched my tank top, now second guessing everything and running 'what if's through my head. My other hand ran through my hair, stopping to hold onto a handful of strands for some sort of comfort.

"I'm sorry to say this, but...his life is burning out."

I got up from my bed to go to the bathroom and wash my face to try and remind myself that this is reality and that my nightmare wasn't real. When I dried my face off I had stopped to look at myself in the mirror as I looked at the distinct frown on my face.

Luffy said that it'll be okay. I'm probably worrying about nothing.

Even though that's what I told myself, I knew I couldn't fool my heart. Deep down, I knew something was wrong, but I wouldn't even know where to begin to help him. I didn't know where he was, who he was with, if he needed help, nothing. The only thing I could do was wait till I hear anything and hopefully the first thing I hear is good news.

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