Chapter 23: Pirates

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"You'll have to excuse my buddy, Mihawk. He doesn't socialize much, especially not with women," Shanks' lips held a soft smile as he filled both our cups up with booze, his eyes set on the liquid.

I stood next to him and waited with my arms wrapped around myself, hugging the nerves away, "I can tell," A slight laugh exits both of our lips. "It's okay, he's just a little intimidating is all. I can tell he's pretty strong."

The red haired man nodded at my words, confirming my assumptions, "Yeah, he's one of the Seven Warlords. He's a monster once he uses that sword of his."

"'Seven Warlords'? Those are the pirates that are allied with the marines, right?" I turned to Shanks as I watched him take a swig out of his drink.

"Yeah," Shanks tilted his head curiously with a crooked smile, making eye contact with me, "It almost sounds like you've never heard of them."

"Well that's cause I haven't," I take a drink out of my own cup, the alcohol flowing down my throat as it leaves a pleasant tingle, "Maybe once, but that's it."

"Really? I figured a princess would know all of this, especially an ex-pirate."

I shook my head, almost ashamed of the fact that he was right, "Growing up I wasn't allowed off the island and I was only a pirate for a month before I had to come back here."

"That's lame."

I had to catch my drink before it flew out of my hands at the blunt reaction, "Excuse me?"

Shanks shrugged, his usual grin not present on his lips as his dark eyes looked into mine, "You don't seem like the type of person who should be cooped up on an island like this, plus, a princess should know how the world works in order to truly be a good ruler."

A new found respect was revealing itself as I stared back at the man in awe, an echo of Vivi's voice saying almost the same thing played on repeat in my brain.

Before I could say anything Shanks was called by one of his crew members and he told me he'd be right back as he went to go check up on them.

"A handful, isn't he?"

I turn to the new voice to see his first mate, Benn standing next to me as he watched his captain rough house some new crew members. I nodded, following his gaze on the red haired man, not really knowing what to say.

"You know, he waited for you to come before partying," The first mate seemed unfazed at my surprised reaction as he continued to stare at his captain with curiosity. "Refused to even drink, he just stared at your castle saying you'd come."

My eyebrows furrowed as I watched the joyful man laugh at his fellow men, not understanding why my showing meant so much to him, "But why would he do that? We just became friends."

Benn chuckled slightly, taking a sip of his booze before smiling fondly at Shanks, "He has a knack for picking out the diamonds in the rough. Plus, he wouldn't shut up about how pretty you were."

Heat rose to my cheeks at the last bit before I shook it off and paid more attention to the first part.

Diamonds in the rough?

Benn raised his glass to me with a kind smile, "I reckon we'll be seeing you again. Our captain is known to get what he wants."  And with that he walked away to talk to Usopp's father—a fact I had learned over these past few days they've been here.

"Sorry that took so long! Now where were we..." Shanks looked to the side in thought as he pushed his lips together and hummed.

His voice seemed to drown out as I watched the man, his scars on his face moving with his animated facial expressions. Did I mention that he was attractive? There was something about Shanks made me feel comfortable, safe.

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