Chapter 56: A Growing Bud

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(I have so much juicy shit planned and I'm getting so impatient oh my's like the only motivation I have for writing more chapters I WANNA GET TO THE GOOD STUFFF-)


Although she looked like the same zombie from before, the tears slid down her face proved that she wasn't.

"Come on Cindry!" Hogback began to lose his patience as he spat at her, "Earth to Cindry!"

Her fingers twitched as she stayed still. It was an obvious internal conflict happening in her head as Cindry fought Hogbacks orders, "I cannot stop. I cannot stop crying."

Hogback yelled at her to be grateful and to serve her master. Saying that he was the only reason she was there and alive again which made her in debt to him.

Robin watch with curiosity as she spoke with slight surprise, "It looks like the owner of her body is resisting the order."

"Could the body still have a will even if the soul has left?"

Choppers words hung in the air as Cindry walks towards us looking as if she was being controlled with the way her body seemed to begrudgingly move. Her body will seemed to forced her zombied body to a stop and when she spoke it sounded like she was trying to convince herself rather than us, "I will kill those three."

"Atta girl!" Hogback made a run for it making Chopper quickly follow.

My eyes shifted to Cindry who was being detained by Robin as I looked at her with a curious look. I couldn't help, but wonder if she would've asked to still be made a zombie if she had the choice to.

How far is someone willing to go for a second chance?

My gaze found its new place on the floor before closing my eyes only to look up at the ceiling.

How far would I go?

Hogback's insults toward Chopper snapped me out of my daze as I looked over with a disgusted look. He continued to shout and scream in the arms of Chopper, fighting to get out of his grip, "You're just a reindeer pretending to be a human! Why are you siding with these corpses?! You aren't even human, you stinking monster!"


Something inside me clicked at the insult towards our precious doctor and suddenly the bloodlust I felt back on Water 7 came rushing back. The others, along with Chopper, had told me how Chopper used to be ridiculed for being a blue nosed reindeer and having eaten the Human-Human Devil Fruit. I recalled 'Monster' being one of the names they'd call him and my hands couldn't help but twitched as I stared dead at Hogback, my expression dark and blank.

When my hand subconsciously reached for my scythe, a hand stopped it gently squeezing it and I look up to see Robin.

The archeologist smiled at me reassuringly, having seen this monstrous side of me already, "Perhaps you'll allow Chopper to fight his own battles? You do know he can handle them. Right, Y/n?"

If it were pointed to anyone else I would've found it offensive, but it was exactly what I needed to not explode. She was letting me know that if I stepped in then it'll be like I have no trust in Chopper which is the very thing I would never want even if we both know it's not true. A small, weak smile appeared on my lips as I squeezed her hand gently before letting go, "Thank you, Robin."

Her smile widened slightly as she realized I calmed down before we both looked at Chopper who was giving Hogback a piece of his mind.

"A monster, a cyborg, a pervert, a guy with a long nose, and a moss head follow my captain! Unlike you guys he doesn't have to boss around corpses that can't speak for themselves!" Chopper called out to Robin and Robin began using her Devil fruit to lift Chopper—who was still holding Hogback—as Hogback began begging for his life.

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