Chapter 57: Retaliation

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"Damn, that's one nasty monster."

We looked up at Oars who was bending over a building trying to look for the people he missed. There was cobblestones of the used-to-be mansion scattered all over the floor around him and I think he seemed to have his toe stuck in the wall.

"It's insanely powerful and fast."

We all walked with our eyes shadowed with the fire of redemption burning around all of us. We took our fare share of adding onto the conversation and as we walked we all prepped ourselves for battle.

"What was his name again?"

The ground beneath us crunched and that combined with our voices made Oars look up with confusion.

"Maybe Rose?"

Zoro began to put on his bandana that he wore whenever he was serious about a fight and Sanji took one last puff from his cigarette before putting it out on the floor—only after he asked if I wanted a hit first.

"No, ended with an 's' though.."


"Mmm no..."

We came to a stop in front of the giant zombie, taking out our weapons or getting into a fighting stance.

"It's Oars."

"Oh that's right."

Usopp seemed to stop before all of us as he kept his head hung low in shame. I looked towards him to see his fear getting the better of him once again, frowning not because I'm disappointed, but because I knew Usopp was more courageous than he gives himself credit for. "I'm sorry...I don't think..."

Franky dismissed his worries with a small grin making my frown dissipate before I turned to Sanji who was yelling at Oars.

"Hey Oars! If Luffy's shadow is inside of shouldn't underestimate the underlying strength of your crew!"

Oars jumped down making the ground shake beneath us. I had to widen my stance to make sure I didn't fall before I look back up at the blonde cook to see his reaction, however, it wasn't what I had expected.

He seemed so unfazed, almost like he didn't even have to steady himself cause he knew he'd never lose to Oars again. He exerted this kind of confidence that forced me to realize how powerful he was, the aching bruises on my body to show for it.

"Shanks has a knack for picking the diamonds in the rough."

Back when we got to Water 7 Luffy immediately noticed the jacket and recognized it as Shanks'. He told me about their relationship and past together so I was finally able to make sense of what Benn had told me that night.

My eyes shift over to Oars who held Luffy's personality along with his shadow. I took his aura in before scanning over my crewmates with a deep breath in despite the pain.

Luffy seemed to inherit that trait after being with him after so many years. Look at how many amazing and loyal people he gathered in less than a year.

My eyes somehow landed on my shoes as I seemed so in my own world despite Sanji and Zoro making threats to Oars and Vice versa.



He really is...

Babum Babum


A warm smile spread across my lips as the corners curled up as admiration glossed over my eyes, a warm feeling bubbling in my chest as the man's wide grin flashed in my head.

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