Chapter 31: Uneasy

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I stared at myself in the mirror. I had eyebags and my eyes looked more droopy than usual. My hair was messier than it usually is and instead of the same clothes I always wear, I had sweats and a tank top on.

Even now, I cant recognize myself.

Is that supposed to be me?

I sighed before fixing my hair and making myself look at least a little presentable before exiting the bathroom. There were some beds set up on the floor, but every bed in the room stayed untouched.

The door opened to reveal the cook of our crew as he looked around the room and sighed before catching my gaze, "Ah! Y/n!"

"Hello Sanji," I smiled tiredly at him, brushing my hair behind my ear, "Where have you been?"

Sanji smiled back, closing the door behind him, "I was out looking for Robin-chwan, but there's still no sign of her."

I frowned at this, concerned for her well being considering we were just getting really close, "I hope nothing bad happened."

Sanji nodded before frowning at something as he got closer to me, "Did you not get any sleep, Y/n? You look exhausted."

My hand went to rub my neck bashfully as I nodded guilty, "Yeah, rough night. Although I think it was the same for all of us."

He nodded solemnly, his cigarette almost falling out of his mouth.

My eyes became stuck on the cigarette as a thought processed through my mind, stress getting the better of me, "May I?"

He followed the direction my finger was pointed to, but still was confused as he looked down and hummed questionably.

I shot him a crooked smile as I stepped closer, us being less than a foot apart from each other, "Your cigarette."

His eyes widened at this, but he took the unlit cigarette out his mouth anyways, "I thought you didn't like cigarettes?"

I grabbed it from him gently as I looked at it before placing it between my lips, "What can I say, it's been a rough month."

Maybe there's a reason mother and Sanji like it so much...

I looked up to him expectedly which caused his cheeks to become slightly red as he stumbled for his lighter. He apologized quickly before lighting it and watching me curiously.

My mind thought back to every time I'd seen my mother and Sanji smoke cigarettes while I copied their actions. As my chest rose from my inhale, a satisfying burn started to form in my throat as my chest began to feel itchy. Before I couldn't handle it anymore, I blew out the smoke making sure it didn't go in Sanji's face.

I hummed contently, my eyes closed as I feel the aftermath of the hit before opening my eyes and looking at Sanji, "Would you mind if I kept this?"

But the blonde didn't answer, he just stared at me for a second, his cheeks more red than before as his hand covered his bottom half of his face.

"Sanji?" I poked him in the chest gently, trying to get his attention which seemed to work.

"A-ah! Um! Yes! Wait no! I mean, like," He pointed his fingers in different directions as he failed to make eye contact with me, "You can keep it!"

I nodded slowly at his weird behavior before brushing it off as his usual lovesick actions and thoughts.

"Come on, I'll lead you to the others," I led him up to the roof, occasionally taking a hit from the cigarette as we made our way up the stairs.

"Is this your first time smoking, Y/n?"

I nodded my head at Sanji's question, "Yeah, but my mom would always smoke so I guess my lungs got used to it."

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