Chapter 7: FlashBacks

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This chapter is just how you and Ace met, therefore, if you want to skip it you won't be confused in the next chapter! It's just a little background!! •~~~• this is the sign for a flashback and until it shows up again that means the flashback hasn't ended!

The sun shone behind the freckled man as he smirked at me after defeating the marines. The weather opposite of how it was the day we met.


I stood out on my balcony that faced the back of the island. My hand stretched out to feel the raindrops fall in a rhythmic pattern. The night felt colder than usual and dark clouds filled the sky.

My eyes shift from the sky to the sea and they pick up a silhouette in the distance. From the looks of it, a small boat was drifting towards the island and I could see a figure laying unconscious in it.

I knew had it been anyone dangerous I could handle myself, but that wasn't the reason I grabbed a thick jacket and threw on some shoes. I felt attracted to whoever the figure was. Everything in my body was screaming at me to help him as I snuck down the stairs, careful not to wake my father up.

Upon leaving the back of the castle, I approach the boat that had washed up on shore already. The rain hitting the ground was the only sound available to my ears as I held a hand on a dagger, ready to defend myself. Though it wasn't needed as I gasped slightly at the amount of blood coming from the man's body.

His black hair was wet and parts of it stuck to his face. He held a grimace on his rather attractive face and clutched his side that had a huge gash on it. The man was shirtless and I questioned what kind of an idiot would wear no shirt and shorts in this kind of weather.

I grabbed the bag that was with him and hauled it over my shoulder before gently picking up the man. With him being taller than me and heavier it was a hassle, but I still managed.

I brought him all the way to the castle and into the medical bay that was, thankfully, on the first floor. I laid his wet body on a bed and quickly tended to his wounds.

Upon further inspection, I observed the scars on all over his toned body and concluded that he was an experienced fighter, however, my attention was on the freckles that was lightly scattered around his face.

I wiped the water off of him as much as I could, not wanting him to catch a cold before placing a blanket on top of him. Deciding that I wasn't going to leave the man until he woke up, I pulled up a chair and laid my head on the bed that was supporting him.

My eyes slowly closed as they felt heavy and soon enough I fell asleep on the comfortable bed that felt strangely warm.

Hours passed and finally the man woke up, waking me up in the process. I awoke to him flinching in pain as he touched his bandaged side before spotting me.

"It's best if you don't touch it. It's still healing after all." I spoke carefully, distancing myself from the male, not knowing how dangerous he was.

"Who are you?"

I shook my head at his impolite behavior. "It's not polite to ask someone for their name when you have yet to state yours."

The male seemed to grin at this, an action I found amusing, as he pointed to himself. "I'm Ace. And you are?"

I eyed him weirdly, gathering my stuff and cleaning up a bit to make sure that no one knew we were in here. "Y/n."

His eyes lingered on me as he watched me tidy up around the room. Nervousness seeped into my body as I felt the attractive males eyes on me, suddenly feeling like I was moving weirdly.

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