Chapter 63: How Do We Know Hatchin Again ?

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SORRY GUYS IVE BEEN SWAMPED WITH WORK AND SHIT LIKE CALCULAS (plus no offense I love duval but I don't have the motivation to write about him😭😭) ILL GET SOME MORE UPDATES OUT NOW !! (Btw for the sake of moving on with the story I might be tweaking the events of the anime)


"Looks like that's their base."

"So that's where this 'Hatchin' guy is?" Luffy looked at the island curiously as his hand was stiffly above his squinted eyes as if he was saluting.

Nami hummed to the side of me making me turn to find her in distraught. I asked her what was wrong and she jumped at my voice before crossing her arms with a sigh, "It's this person's name. I think I might know them." Before I could respond she waved her hand in dismissal with a small smile, "Lets just hope it's not."

I let out a small, quiet hum as I watched her walk away. The ship approached the island more and more and once we were close enough we could see an all black figure in a cage. Cami and Pappag called out to them and they informed us that it was a trap.

My eyes picked up on Zoro asking Nami a question with Sanji adding on as if inferring that they knew this 'Hatchin' person. I titled my head in confusion at the lack of context as Sanji asked him how 'Arlong' was doing, whoever that is. It seemed like the person knew who they were talking about though as they gave us a full spiel in detail about this Arlong person and two others with odd names.

Usopp sighed heavily as Luffy yelled out at Hatchin. Our long nosed sniper explained that Nami's home village used to be terrorized by and in control of a Fishman gang and this Hatchin person was an officer, "I assumed all of them got taken away by the Navy, but I guess he escaped all by himself."

I couldn't help but let my eyes subtly shift to Nami as I realized that I didn't really know anything about who she was and her upbringing. It wasn't just Nami though. I turned to the others as I realized that I don't really know anything about their past or their families. Other than a few details like Luffy's grandpa being Old man Garp.

The captain in question began to shout about how he wasn't going to rescue the octopus because of what he did to Nami, only he started to waver after recalling that Hatchin had a tokoyaki stand. He seemed slightly ashamed of himself, but he couldn't help it and ended up asking Hatchin if his food was actually as good as Cami and Pappag say it is.

Nami and them seemed to not want to help Cami anymore because it was Hatchin. This made Cami and Pappag upset as they jumped onto the wooden railing saying that they would save him themselves.

I scratched my head at how I knew this would go wrong, "I'm not so sure it's the best idea to let them go alone..."

Usopp placed his hand on my shoulder and shook his head, "It's not up to us anymore." He motioned his head towards Nami who was looking straight ahead with a blank expression.

I looked at her, studying her features and her slightly tense shoulders before nodding and taking a step back to watch everything unfold. In the end Nami had smiled at us and let us know that what we were doing wasn't what we promised Cami, giving Luffy the 'go' to save them. Luffy jumped up immediately to save the captured Cami and Pappag after they had failed miserably at saving Hatchin before he landed on the land a few feet ahead from us.

Some more shouts from people and a few flying fishes later and we had seemed to finally meet the boss. He came out with a flashy entrance from his house or wherever he was originally in. He began spouting about how some man he wanted to kill for a long time had finally showed up, mumbling a whole monologue about it.

I couldn't really find what he was saying that interesting since a lot of people want us dead, that is until he spoke the name, "Back Foot Sanji!" My eyebrows raised in slight shock as I turned to Sanji. Sanji was barley the type to start fights unless it came to girls or food, but I don't think it would ever get serious enough for someone to want to kill him. From the corner of my eye I can see Luffy running up to the masked man before jumping up and kicking the helmet off his head.

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