Chapter 3: The Fatal Fight

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My fathers devil fruit kept Luffy in check as chains were thrown at him, sometimes keeping him hostage other times hitting him harshly.

The pain on my tattoo slowly started to go away over time and Luffy slowly started to get used to the chains.

As soon as Luffy gained the upper hand the fate of the fight seemed to have been decided.

If it weren't for my scream.

Luffy stopped mid punch to see my fully on the ground this time, clawing at the tattoo, tears almost spilling out as I begged for it to stop.

"Y/n!" Luffys attention was diverted towards me and I couldn't have the strength to tell him that I was being used as a distraction.

My father sent multiple chains towards the rubber boy and just as they were about to hit him swords cut them in half while others were kicked back.

We both looked towards those who blocked it from hitting the captain to see Zoro and Sanji standing the dramatically.

I panted, trying to catch my breath but still had the strength to give a weak smile.

I knew they could do it.

Sanji turned to smile at me but the smile dropped as he picked me up bridal style and placed me gently away from the fight. "Chopper! She's hurt!"

Chopper nodded in response and ran towards me with Nami and Usopp. He gave me a quick check up making sure I wasn't bleeding anywhere which led to his confused expression when he found out I wasn't physically hurt anywhere.

"Oi! Zoro! Sanji! Get that ring! He's using it to hurt Y/n!" Luffy ordered while dodging some chains.

Sanjis face became shadowed as his leg caught on fire before he looked up shook his fist at my father. "You will not hurt the beautiful lady!"

Zoro clicked his tongue in annoyance not really wanting to answer to his captain. "She captured us and was in on their plan. Why should we help her?"

Luffy gave him a stern look to which Zoro returned before sighing and turning to face my father.

This caused a grin to grow on Luffy's face; he was probably happy he had such reliable friends.

"Luffy just get out of here! You have your crew!" I told him desperately, not liking the idea of someone fighting for me.

He shook his head with a grin and didn't bother giving me a response.

A hand was put on my shoulder and a sigh escaped the Nami's lips. "There's no talking him out of it when he gets like that. But that's besides the point."

I turn to look at Nami who's eyes screamed Bellys and instantly knew what she was gonna say next.

"While Luffy and them are fighting how bout you be a good little princess and show us where you put our treasure along with the rest of your guys's treasure?" She smiled at me maliciously making me and Usopp shiver.

My father's laughed bellowed throughout the throne room that was now dirty and messy.

"You're quite strong! But I am not some old timey man who sits on his ass all day. I can easily keep up with you youngsters!"

He was right. Day after day he trained and trained nonstop, especially right after mothers death. It was almost as if he was punishing himself.

"It seems you've gotten attached to these pirates, Y/n." His voice now directed towards me as I refused to look at him. "Do not worry I'm not mad, however, you still need to be punished."

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