Chapter 22: Red Haired Shanks

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I threw on the jacket that was given to me last night over the casual dress that was laid out for me. While Daiki was training on the training grounds, I figured now would be the best time to give the coat back to Shanks.

Exiting the castle, I set off into town before asking if anyone had seen a man with three large scars on his face. Some seemed frightened at the image that played in their brain as their imagination ran wild while others told me they had met the friendly man and that he was around here somewhere.

I sighed, putting my hands on my hips in frustration considering I didn't really feel like going on a wild goose chase around town.

"Oh! Y/n!"

Upon the hearing the familiar voice, I turned around to see the tall man with a beer in his hands and his cheeks slightly flushed, probably due to the alcohol, "Shanks, I've been looking for you!"

As he neared closer to me, a grin stretched across his face, I realized his slick red hair that wasn't visible in the night's light and the lack of an arm; I wasn't one to question it as I knew what manners were.

Shanks just smiled at me before gesturing to the jacket that he gave me, "I see you kept it! I'm glad you like it so much!"

I looked down at the jacket with a crooked smile as I placed the cloth in my hand before taking it off and offering it to the pirate, "Yeah, but it doesn't really match the princess vibe I have to uphold."

He hummed at this, seemingly in thought as he narrowed his eyes and skimmed my outfit, "You're right....say," A light bulb lit up in his head as he got an idea. "You would make a great pirate! Why not join my crew?"

My eyebrows furrowed instantly at the suddenly offer, reminding me of a certain straw hat pirate, "Um..."

The captain was hit over the head by a more built and mature looking guy, "You can't just go around asking people that, especially not the princess." He turned to me before bowing slightly, forcing Shanks down with him, "Apologies, Your Majesty. Our captain is an idiot through and through. Please forgive his boldness and impoliteness. Im Benn Beckman, his first mate."

My shocked expression fell immediately as I watched their dynamic and a nostalgic smile took over my lips, "It's nice to meet you Benn and it's not a problem at all! You remind me of some pirates I met a while back!"

Both men seemed to perk up with interest at the this, but before they could ask any questions I turned to Shanks and told him that I couldn't join his crew, but that I did use to be a pirate.

"Really?!" Shanks seemed to light up at the fact and he seemed genuinely interested in wanting to hear my stories. He acted like a kid despite his age and it really made me miss a certain someone.

I nodded with a polite smile and a small chuckle, "Yes, but my pirating days are over. I'm to live here as Queen now."

Benn and Shanks looked at each other before looking back at me—Shanks with an unreadable expression and Benn with an amused and serious one.

"Ah, right. You're getting married to that guy from last night."

Benn looked at his captain with a questioning gaze, responding to his words, "You mean the one that tried to attack you?"

Shanks nodded, not looking at Benn as I could feel him watching me and observing my every move, a calculating side that was new to me, but not surprising, "Benn, if you don't mind I'd like some alone time with this beautiful princess. I'll meet you guys back at the hotel."

Benn gave a suspicious look before shaking his head with a deep sigh and walking away, his shoulders slumped in defeat as he mumbled something incoherent.

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