Chapter 45: A New Addition

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I looked down at my wanted poster with a blank look. I didn't really know how to feel, or rather, I was feeling too much at the same time. The first thing I noticed was the picture they used. It was at a Reverie—maybe a year ago—and I seemed to be laughing with Vivi at the time, not aware of the photo being taken. Based off the picture, I looked like anything but a threat.

It was the alias—to those who understood the meaning behind it—that made me more intimidating: 'Phoenix's Reincarnate'. And my bounty had accumulated to a total of 200 million berries with the wanted poster saying only 'Alive' on it.

"Oi. Why is your bounty higher than mine? I'm stronger," Zoro snatched the paper out of my hands in an irritated state as he glared at the picture, "And what is up with this picture?"

I waved my hand dismissively, "Don't worry about it. My bounty's higher cause of my family status. It has nothing to do with the comparison of our strength."

"Come to think of it," Robin tilted her slightly with a curious smile, "Why do they call you Phoenix's Reincarnate?"

"Ah," I smile sheepishly, "They used to call my mother 'Phoenix', so I'm assuming that's why."

"Why Phoenix?" Luffy tilted his head as well with a confused face, "Was your mom a bird?"

I chuckled at his question and shook my head, "No, nothing like that. Some say it was cause of her fiery attitude and her free spirit and others say it was cause she was as dangerous as she was beautiful."

"Woah!" Luffy's eyes became stars as his imagination went wild and his jaw hung open in awe, "She must've been so cool!"

"I don't remember hearing the name Phoenix though. Was she not well known?" Zoro raised an eyebrow at me as he handed me back my wanted poster.

"She was within the marines and the government, just not so much the outside world. And if people did manage to run into her, they'd usually end up in Impel Down considering she only helped arrest people," I smiled and folded up the wanted paper, putting it in my pocket as I tell them that when it came to where she was allowed to go she was limited like me.

I'm glad I've begun to make a name for myself, but I'm not sure I want to keep living in my mothers shadow. I didn't work hard for this bounty, I was given it because of my bloodline.

"Nothing, but a spoiled princess."

What if Usopp was true? Had I been just a normal girl, would I have gotten this far? Would I have gotten the same bounty?

"Please take Bro at sea with you! Even if it's against his will!" The Franky family bowed down with a desperate and hopeful yell.


"I'll be the laughing stock of all the ladies!" Sanji wan on his knees in despair due to his picture for the wanted poster being a horribly drawn picture.

Chopper, on the other hand, was more concerned and angry with his bounty as he shook Luffy angrily, "I'm a pirate too! Why is it only 50 berries?!"

"Lets go, Bro is waiting for you!" The twins from the Franky family smiled at us and started to lead us outside.

"Luffy," Chopper caught our attention as he frowned at Sanji's frozen state, "Sanji isn't moving..."

Zoro scoffed at his—as Zoro would describe it—pathetic state before smirking, "Leave twirly brown there then."

"What'd you say?!" Sanji looked up angrily as he shook his fist at the swordsman.

I laughed and turned to Sanji with a comforting smile as I fixed the bag on my shoulder, "Come on, Sanji. I bet the new ship has a huge kitchen for you to use."

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