Chapter 48: A Singing Skeleton

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"Hey, me next!"

"Alright go for it!"

A yell was heard from Chopper and right after it came a thud before Luffy and Usopp cheered for him.

"You did it!"

"Ow!" Chopper held his head with a slight pout while still smiling, happy to be apart of whatever this was.

"Yay! Luffy's next!"

I shook my head with a laugh as I watched them swing on the tree swing and jump off, ultimately hurting themselves once they 'land'. Luffy going as far as hitting the opposite wall from them and not being able to see clearly for a second.

"Nami-swan! Robin-chwan! Sorry to keep you waiting!" Sanji yelled down the hatch before putting a tray with two drinks in it, sending it over to Nami and Robin who were sitting in the aquarium. He turned to the three boys and saw what they were doing, "Oi! How bout you guys stop goofing around and get me some octopus so I can make them for dinner."

They seemed more than willing to do it once they found out it was for dinner as they rushed over to the latch where the opening to the fish tank was. I watch them run over excitedly with a smile on my lips.

"Would you like a drink as well, Y/n?" Sanji smiled at me warmly, "Or anything at all?"

I shook my head with a hand raised, "No, I'm quite alright. Thank you though, Sanji."

His smile widened as he looked at me for a little.

I gave him a weird look as the wind flew past us, "What?"

"Your princess manners come out some times. It's cute."

I blink, dumbfounded at the blatant compliment as he walks away leaving me speechless.

"I'll get it!" Choppers voice snaps me out of my daze as I look over to see Usopp in full swim gear.

"Watch out! You devil fruit users will only get weak and drown. Captain Usopp got this!" Said boy jumped into the tank with full confidence as he began fishing out octopi. It was going well until the water turned black and Usopp wasn't coming back up.

"Usopp's in trouble! The octopus latched onto him!" Nami's voice called out from the aquarium and Luffy and Chopper started to freak out.

Luffy did the only thing he could think of and ended up punching blindly into the water, successfully getting the octopi off Usopp and making the long nosed boy fly out with bumps and bruises.

Zoro peaks his head out of the crows nest and calls down to us, "Oi! Somethings in the water!"

Everyone's attention turns to said thing in the water and Usopp leans over the railing with squinted eyes, "It says treasure!"

I stand aside and watch as everyone debates on what's inside and whether or not we should open it or not. Luffy's the one to take initiative as he slaps his hands together and looks up to the sky.

"Hey, God! I'm taking your snacks! Hehe!" He didn't hesitate to open the barrel which surprisingly wasn't hard, "Cool! It opened!"

Right when the barrel opened, an explosion of smoke appeared and red colored smoke flew up into the sky. This was alarming as I've read about these kinds of things when I was still at Sinthaya, "That's not good..."

"A red light?!"

"The booze flew out, blew up, and vanished."

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