Chapter 33: Captive

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We had all split up to look for Zoro and Luffy. I took some shipwrights with me, but we split off to cover more ground.

Some tension that was held in my body had lifted after figuring out why Robin really left us. When I had heard from Nami, Robin's question she asked me before had replayed in my head.

"What made you decide to come back?"

I looked down and pursed my lip as I stared at the concrete beneath my shoes.

Robin must've known this would happen eventually. She must hate this so much.

My thoughts had come to a stop when I saw legs sticking out of a chimney. I would've been way more confused if I didn't see the three swords next to it. A drop of sweat falls down my forehead as I deadpan in disbelief.

You're the hell does that even happen?

Before I could call out the swordsman's name, I quickly ducked a knife that was headed my way. Once the knife landed on the wall in front of me, I recognized them and turned to the attacker with a fighting stance, "What do you want, Kaku?"

The boy just gave me a crooked smile as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, "Lucci wants you to come with us. You don't really have a choice, but I'd prefer not to get aggressive."

I narrowed my eyes at the words, not bothering to ask why me specifically since I knew my background. I knew I couldn't defeat him at my current state so fighting wasn't an option. I got out of my fighting stance with a sigh as I walked closer to him.

Kaku's smile widened as he held out his hand again, "Ready, princess?"

I placed my hand in his begrudgingly as I spoke with slight anger laced in my tone, "Don't call me that."

He said nothing to my hostile tone though as he pulled me to his chest again, his arm snaking around my waist, "And what would you prefer?"

My expression didn't falter as I looked up at the boy while he looked down at me, "My name."

He seemed to look around with fake innocence, "So then...Lady L/n."

"You're kidding, right?"

Kaku chuckled slightly at my irritated expression, "Well, it only fits since you're a celestial dragon and everything."

My eye twitched slightly at the mention of my status, "Oh really? And do you hold all celestial dragons like this?" I motioned to his arms that were wrapped around my waist and back.

He smirked down at me as he tightened his hold, "Do you not like it?"

A transponder snail rang, much to Kaku's dismay as he clicked his tongue in annoyance and answered it with an irritated tone before fixing it when he heard Lucci's voice demanding him to hurry up.

Kaku hung up and sighed, no longer holding the same cut-loose attitude as before, "You heard the boss, let's go." He crouched down to get more momentum and then brought us to the sea train station.

Upon our arrival, Lucci turned to face us with a smirk, "Glad you could make it, princess."

Seriously, everyone needs to stop calling me that.

I didn't respond to him, not even giving him the luxury of eye contact as I looked to Kalifa, then Blueno, then finally Robin.

"What are you doing here, Y/n?!" Robin stepped forward, bewildered at my presence.

I shifted my gaze to Lucci, who seemed pleased at the action, with a slight nod, "Ask him."

"Hey! This-"

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