Extra: Behind the Scenes

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One of the training sessions between Zoro and Y/n:

"Too slow."

You flew to the floor, your scythe sliding a few feet away from you after Zoro knocked you down. You coughed up spit from the hit to your stomach before glaring up at him, "You're an asshole you know that?"

Zoro's lips twitched into a slight smirk, satisfied with how he was breaking your royal mannerisms—he didn't think it suited you much less any pirate—as he looked down at you, "That's not very princess like." His smirk dropped as he walked up to you, offering his hand, "And don't forget you were the one who wanted this not me."

You looked at his hand, slowly lifting your hand and grabbing it, but before he could pull you up you yanked hard making him fall forward. As he fell you moved to the side and unsheathed one of his swords. Once he fell to the floor on his back, you sat on top of him to pin him down holding the sword to his neck with a triumphant smile. You panted slightly from exhaustion as you looked down at him, your hair falling with you as he stared up at you in shock, "It's like you always say: never let your guard down."

The swordsman felt a small electric shock shoot through his body as his shocked face morphed into an amused expression with smirk to compliment. He looked at you carefully. He noticed the sweat dripping down your forehead and sliding down your neck onto your collarbone, the fast rising of your chest as you panted slightly, the prideful look in your eyes. "Not bad," He spoke in approval as his hands twitched, his body asking him to do something his mind refused to let happen.

Your smile turned into a grin at his praise as you got off of him and helped him up, returning his sword to him before walking over to get your scythe.

He watched you walk over to your weapon with a blank face but thoughts to contradict his facade. Zoro let out a low hum as you picked up your scythe and turned to face him.

"Alright, I'm ready to go again."

Zoro let his eyes linger on you for a second longer than he should've before he grabbed his swords and got in a fighting stance, "Let's see if you've learned your lesson."


Somewhere in Government Headquarters:

He fiddled with the corner of your wanted poster as he stared at it, his cheek in the palm of his hand. The long nosed boy recalled the memory of you from Water 7, specifically your eyes. They seemed to hold a certain fire in them, a look of determination or even passion. He seemed to realize why Lucci took so much interest in you—though Lucci liked you for a different reason than Kaku.

It was clear that you held a certain kind of excitement. To a thrill seeker like Kaku, you were like that suspenseful ending that keeps you waiting in...







anticipation. Like a cliff hanger of a good book or the adrenaline you get while waiting in line of a giant roller coaster. He knew if he stuck around you he'd never get bored. He needed something like that in his life. He needed something to help him feel alive.

Kaku took one last look at the wanted poster before he laughed under his breath as he stood up from his seat and walked away from the paper. He didn't know what you were up to, what he wanted from you, when he'd see you again, but he did know that this wasn't the end of you guys. He was gonna make his presence in your life unforgettable even if he wasn't the one for you.

Lucci, on the other hand, couldn't care less about anything relating to that romance shit. All he knew was that he found his match. There's no one else suited for him than you. Lucci always got what he wanted and what he wants now is you. He's certain that you'll come back to him.

Lucci sat down on the bed as he stared at the scar on his back through the mirror before he stood up and threw on a white button up shirt, not bothering to button it. He threw his hair in a quick and messy bun before walking towards the newscoo of today.

The reason he's so certain you'll come back to him is because he knows no one else will understand the overwhelming thirst for blood, but him. You won't be able to talk to anyone about it because they don't know how it feels. Not this kind of bloodlust.

And when you did come to him for it, he isn't going to tell you to suppress it or teach you how to control it.

A wide smirk crept on his lips as he fixed the sleeves of his shirt.

He's going to tell you to listen to your instincts.

To let the beast inside you out.

To be who you truly are.

And he'll be there with you beaming with pride for his girl.


Sometime after Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji woke up in Thriller Bark:

Luffy was sitting with his legs crossed over each other, a bored expression on his face the other planned out what to do for the upcoming fight. He realized he didn't really need to listen to whatever they were saying since he was just gonna beat up Moria, plain and simple. His attention was caught when he saw you yawning in the back of the group, not necessarily paying attention either. Just then, Abasolom's words echoed in his mind and he tilted his head in confusion.

He looked over to his crew, making sure to be sneaky so he didn't get yelled at for not listening as he made his way over to you. Without saying anything, he lightly chomped down on your arm as to not hurt you in the process of his curiosity.

You jumped a little before looking down at the culprit and seeing Luffy's face latched onto your arm with a curious, innocent looking face. "Luffy?" You called out to him with a questioning gaze as you looked down at him.

He let go of your arm, wiping his saliva off before scratching his head in confusion, "That invisible guy said he wanted to taste you so I thought you'd taste like meat or something, but there's no flavor at all. What a weird guy."

You let out a weak laugh as you scratched your cheek with a nervous smile on your lips, your gaze averting his, "Um...that's not exactly what he meant Luffy."

He moved in front of you so you were looking at him as he innocently grinned at you waiting for an explanation.

You opened your mouth to explain, but stopped as heat quickly rushed to your cheeks as the words couldn't come out of your mouth. How were you supposed to explain something so dirty to such an innocent man? "You should ask Robin about it. I'm sure she can explain way better than I can," You smiled at him and before he could ask why your cheeks were so red the others called for you two as they began to put the plan in motion.

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