Chapter 47: The Sniper and the Cook

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A knock was heard at my door late at night and I had just finished this adventures story. I closed the journal with a satisfied smile before opening the door. My smile fell when I saw a familiar long nose looking at me nervously. "Whats up?" I look at him expectantly, but not rudely.

He casts his gaze to the floor and scratches his cheek with his finger, "Can I talk to you?"

I look at his nervous form for a second before walking out to the balcony, "Close the door behind you." I could hear his stumbling and how he tried hard to close the door as gently as he could before his footsteps came closer to me.

"This view is really nice. Franky really is a good shipwright," Usopp spoke in a cautious voice, probably scared he'll set me off if he said the wrong thing.

I hummed in acknowledgement, not giving a proper response as to not endorse beating around the bush. For the first time, when I looked at the view in front of me it did not give me the usual peace it does. It did not help soothe the anxiety or uncomfortableness that bubbled in my chest and infected my head.

"I'm sorry," Usopp's voice was low as he spoke in an ashamed and self loathing tone. He looked to the side and his voice began to shake ever so slightly, "I shouldn't have called you a spoiled princess or said you didn't mean anything you said."

I watched his form and unlike when he apologized to the crew, he wasn't crying. He didn't show the same desperateness or sadness as he did before the crew. Now, with just us two, he showed self-hatred, guilt, and regret.

The sniper clenched his fists as he glared at the sea as if it was the root of all his problems, "Even if I said it because I was upset, it wasn't right. And you don't deserve that."

"Thanks for the apology," I moved my gaze from him and onto the sea with a shrug, "It's not like you were wrong though."


I fiddled with fingers as I looked up to the sky with a sigh, "I am a spoiled princess. I have a high bounty because Im a princess. I'm only wanted alive because Im a princess. I was treated highly because Im a princess. I'm sure the only reason I even have a wanted poster like the rest of you is because Im a princess." I let out another deep sigh except it came out shaky as I came to terms with reality, "So yeah, you were right about that part, but I'm trying my damned hardest to make a name for myself and to live up to my name and bounty."

Usopp seemed to smile fondly at this as he thought for a moment, letting the silence fill the air before speaking again in a more stable yet soft voice, "You know, when I started to regret my decision of leaving the gang I started to have nightmares about you guys hating me forever." He laughed at the idea, calling it ridiculous before his lips rested in a slight frown, "But I'd also have nightmares about just you. You would tell me you could never forgive me or you'd hate me and not want to talk to me. And honestly...that scared me the most."

I turned to him with an intrigued and curious look, "Why?"

"Because you're awesome," He said this as if he's been thinking about it but this is his first time ever saying it out loud. Usopp looked at me with admiring eyes and a weak smile, "You're everything I wish I could be and I hated the idea of not talking to you ever again. There's so much I can learn from you and so much I want to learn about you."

His words had been processing in my head as I stared at him with slight shock. I was speechless, not sure how to respond to the heartfelt and sincere claim.

"I know I'm not the best with words and this whole conversation I've been a mess," He rubbed his neck as he looked to the side, a blush appearing on his cheeks, "But I want you to know that what I said isn't what I really think. And I don't think I can handle not being able to talk with you or joke with you again so...would it be okay if I asked for your forgiveness?"

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