Chapter 59: Ball and Chain

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The sound of a few of my crewmates yelling reached my brain, waking it from its tired state. My vision was a little blurry at first before it eventually became clear—other than the red spots from the blood. I used my arms to lift me up to see Oars looking around confused with his legs frozen before a giant chain wrapped around him. I darted my gaze in every direction seeing everyone had gotten back up and started one last attack.

I bit my lip, feeling as if I wasn't pulling my weight as I tried to get up only for my leg to pulse in pain. I let out a small grunt from the sting as I felt an uncomfortable feeling boil in my chest as my throat felt like closing and my eyes weren't dry anymore.

I feel unbelievably useless.

I know it isn't my fault. I know I can't do anything about my injuries nor am I obligated to even get up and help the others, but I wanted to so bad. I needed to. I just didn't know if I could push myself like the others could.

It hurts.

The pain in my body felt incredibly irrelevant in comparison to the pain in my heart. I fought back the liquid that desperately tried to escape through my eyes.

It hurts.

The others fought bravely, managing to take down Oars as the other people from this place cheered them on. It felt wrong that I wasn't fighting with them.

It hurts.

I bit hard on my lip as I forced myself up despite the overwhelming pain in my body as Oars fell to the ground only for Moria to stand up on top of him with a triumphant speech. Moria seemed to be absorbing the shadows on the island that he gave to the zombies as Nami ran up to me seeing that I was awake.

"Y/n! Luffy defeated Oars, but Moria's back up! You think you'll be able to fight again?" She helped me stand, her roughed up, cold hands on my shaking shoulders as her eyes looked at me worryingly.

It hurts.

I nodded silently as I unclicked my scythe to use as support as I walked near the others, looking up at Moria who had absorbed 1,000 shadows.

I don't want it to hurt.

My eyes looked to my crewmates, not really caring about Moria right now. Luffy tells us that we're out of time and that he has to push himself a little now, letting us know that after that it's up to us.

I don't....

Franky and Usopp yell back with words of encouragement while the pirates from the island try to convince us to get into shade and safety.

I don't want to...

My eyes scan over my crew who show no sign of doubt in our captain. Luffy continues to land blow after blow until Moria eventually traps him in a box made out of shadows. Moria draws his arm back and my feet move on its own as I climb up the wall the box was on, readying my scythe.

I don't want to be a burden to them.

Just as Moria's about to crush the box Luffy is on, I boost myself off the castle to try and block the giant attack only for my scythe to redirect the punch so it didn't hit Luffy full on. Moria clicked his tongue in annoyance as he cursed at me, sending his other fist to strike me throwing me to a stone wall.

As I was flying I could catch a glimpse of the box Luffy was in falling back down to the ground half smashed. I could hear my name being called out by a few different people, but I couldn't make out who it was as my body slammed against the stone wall making a crater from the impact. I violently coughed up blood as I felt a few bones break, the pain sending bolts like lightning through my body.

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