Extras: Behind the Scenes

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When Ace left the room after you kissed him:

Ace skipped happily like a child outside of the room, a fat grin on his face as he hummed a tune. He stopped in his tracks when he saw a couple of his crew mates wiggling their eyebrows at him with teasing smirks.

Ace couldn't help the blush that rose to his cheeks when he heard them making kissy sounds, imitating the lover boy.

"Oh Y/n!" A crew member threw himself on another man his eyelashes batting.

"Shut up!" Ace threw the closest thing near him, which happened to be Marco, towards the men and knocked them down like bowling pins.


When shanks dropped off the Vivre card:

The Yonko tip toed with his tongue slightly out as he tried to tape the paper on your balcony but was failing miserably for some reason. He didn't wanna admit it but seeing you curled up next to Daiki made him want to break open the balcony doors and declare a duel.

Daiki woke up to the sound of Shanks continuously trying to tape the paper down as he lifted his head from the pillow tiredly. The prince sighed, his head falling back on the pillow before unraveling his limbs from your body and opening the balcony doors, taping it on for Shanks, and heading back to sleep.

Shanks was embarrassed that he needed help from the prince as he stood on the balcony dumbfounded, watching Daiki instantly knock out once again when his head his the pillow and his arms wrapped around your waist.


After Zoro had walked away after you had just came back:

"I've never seen such a caring side of you, Mr.Swordsman," Robin teased the green haired boy as she had just gotten done watching the whole interaction.

Zoro clicked his tongue in annoyance as he glared at the older woman before glancing back at you, "An idiot needs to recognize they're an idiot. As simple as that."

"Or you just care about her."

Zoro jumped at the new voice as he turned to see Nami shrugging her shoulders as she looked off to the side, "Where the hell did you come from?!"

"Oh no, Mr.Swordsman would never feel such a thing!" Robin giggled as she sarcastically spoke with Nami.

Nami caught on and out her hand over her mouth dramatically, "Oh you're so right Robin! It would be impossible for the greatest swordsman to feel such a thing for a simple woman!"

A forehead popped on Zoro's forehead as his folded arms tightened and he stormed off mumbling some sass-grumpy ass shit.


After Luffy gave you the okay to leave with Ace:

"Y/n..." Luffy poked your cheek, pouting at how you and Ace were having a sleepover a without him.

The only thing he could think of to get revenge for not inviting him was doing what you two did to the others not too long ago: drawing on your face.

It's only fair! You woke up him up, told him you were leaving with Ace, and now here you were not even thinking to invite him to your sleepover. Totally not okay!

Luffy grinned mischievously as he uncapped the black marker and neared it to your face. Right before he could draw on your face though, Ace grabbed his wrist and gave him a deathly smile before going back to sleep.

Luffy ended up crawling away in fear and curled up a ball with crocodile tears, crying himself to sleep.

As you left Shanks' ship:

Mihawk stared at you as you hopped on the railing and jumped off, heading back to your castle.

"You know she probably thinks you're really weird."

Mihawks eye twitched slightly in irritation at Yasopp's words.

"Or a pervert. Both work I guess."

The warlord had to hold himself back from straight up killing the sniper and putting his head on the cross of his ship.


When the crew left Skypeia:

"So um...do we know where Sinthaya is?"

The whole crew sweatdropped at the question, realizing that they couldn't get you back if they didn't know how to get to you.


Zoro shrugged, his hands on his hips proudly as he shifted his weight to the right, "Dont worry guys I remember how to get there."




"We could use this," Robin held an eternal pose to Sinthaya in her hands as everyone's eyes bulged out at the sight of it, completely turning their backs to Zoro.

"How'd you get that?!"

"Oi! Why are you guys ignoring me!? I said I know how to get there!"

Robin smiled sweetly as she gave the pose to Nami, "I thought Ms.Journalist was dead when I arrived back to the ship because of everyone's mood so I looked through her belongings!"

Everyone sweatdropped once more at the older woman's tactics but decided to try and ignore the woman's insanity with nervous, forced laughs.


Let me know if you guys like these !!

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