Chapter 29: Usopp

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Nami, Luffy, and I look at each other upon hearing that the Franky Family had been seen with a person with a long nose, especially since we knew that Usopp was no where to be found.

"Luffy, Y/n! We have to find him fast!"

Luffy nodded to Nami before bolting off in a random direction.

Nami yelled after the man who was already gone, "Where are you gonna look! Dammit!" She picked up the briefcase with both hands before walking off since the money was too heavy for her to run with, "Come on Y/n!"

I nodded, concerned for the long nosed boy, but stopped when I heard a bird coo once again.

"Good luck, Miss Y/n."

My eyebrows furrow at the same familiar tone that was being used as I turn to look at the man who had a bird resting on his shoulder. An uneasy feeling washed over me as I saw his usual frown was gone and replaced with a ghost of a smirk.

I didn't bother saying anything back as my eyes lingered on him while I turned away before jogging after Nami.

I could see she was struggling a little so I offered to carry the briefcase for her so that we could get there faster.

"Are you sure, Y/n? This isn't something I can't handle," She asked as she looked at me with her eyes glazed over with concern.

I nodded, grabbing the briefcase from her before she could protest, "We need to find Usopp as quick as possible right?"

Nami smiled at me before nodding and jogging to the Yagura boat after seeing me carrying the briefcase with ease.

We used the waterways to look around and it wasn't until we saw a crowd gathering around a body with blood that we finally stopped.

"Usopp!" Nami and I yelled before going down and checking on the boy.


Usopp was beyond embarrassed. Not just embarrassed though, he was drowning in self hatred. He was disappointed, ashamed, he couldn't even think of the right word to describe how shitty he felt. And it worsened when he heard the two female voices from his crew yell out his name.

Disgust bubbles inside his chest when he realized you and Nami were going to have to see him like this. Especially you.

You, who had told him multiple times that he was brave whenever he said he wasn't or how you told him that he was useful and had a role in this crew.

You had so much faith in him, surely it would all disappear once you saw him like this. He wanted to scream. Usopp couldn't bare the thought of you seeing him like this.

If he thought he was uncool before imagine how he would look now, all bloodied up and beat laying on the floor.

"Usopp!" Nami's voice rang in his ears, him somehow glad it wasn't you that approached him first, "Usopp, are you okay? Was it the Franky Family who did this to you?"

Usopp gripped onto Nami's arm weakly as tears started to flow down his eyes, "N-Nami...I cant face everyone..."

Nami seemed to shake slightly at the sight of her fellow crew member in such a vulnerable state. She couldn't stand to see Usopp like this, but she also could empathize with him. She knew the feeling of being too weak for this crew.

It was an understanding between her, Usopp, and Chopper. A mutual feeling that they were the weakest of the crew and she didn't know how Chopper felt about it yet, but she and Usopp would degrade themselves because of it.

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