Chapter 35: Cyborg Franky

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"So you're the famous leader of the Franky Family?" My cheek laid on the palm of my hand as I propped my elbow on my leg to stabilize my head. A lazy smile sprawled on my face as I sat across the man.

Franky grinned with pride as he pointed his thumb to himself, "Yup! That's me! I didn't know we were so popular, but it makes sense cause we're...super!"

My eyebrow rose curiously at his odd pose, a laugh stifling out my lips before my lips fell into a small smile, "Well you did beat up our crew member and steal our money."

Franky froze in his pose, a silence filling the air as he processed my words. He shot back in his seat, head tilted down with his eyes closed while he put a hand up apologetically, "That is completely my fault. I didn't know you guys were such cool people, but I'm afraid to say I'm not sorry. I finally got the last piece for what I've been working towards for years."

I nodded, not really the best person to scold him considering I've stolen countless of times, "I can respect that. Sometimes we have to do what we have to do even if it harms someone else."

Franky sweatdropped, a guilty look on his face, "Well when you put it like that, it's hard not to feel bad."

"Hm?" I realized it seemed like I was guilt tripping him when I wasn't trying to so I weakly smiled at him as I waved my hands side to side, "No, no that's not what I meant! I just mean that we gotta do everything we can to accomplish our dreams, right?"

The word 'dream' made Franky's eyes light up, "Hey miss, you have a dream too?"

I went to say no, but ended up stopping myself. My head tilted curiously at my hesitance before a determined smile crept on my face, "My dream...I think my dream is to explore the entire world! Meet all kinds of different people, animals, and species! Eat different foods or see different biospheres, sail across multiple oceans! But most of all, live how I want to live."

Franky stayed unfazed for a moment before bursting out into tears, "That's so beautiful! So much passion! So much determination! super!!"

I shot a weird look forged with a smile at Franky as I saw him do the same weird pose again, but with more power into it. I shook my head, ridding myself of the daze I was in when I saw the pose before asking what his dream was.

Franky grinned wildly, sparkles in his eyes as he beamed with pride and excitement, "You know Gol D. Rodger?"

I nodded, staying silent so he could continue.

"Well my master designed and built his ship! It carried them all across the oceans and to many lands!" Franky pointed to himself again with his thumb, "I'm gonna be exactly like him!"

I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm and the wholesome motive, "So, you used the money for parts for your ship?"

He rubbed his neck bashfully, probably still feeling guilty about taking it, "Yeah, I still feel kinda bad..."

I shook my head kindly, "No, don't worry about it. If you told Luffy now he'd probably just laugh about it!"

"Really? What a guy..." Franky trailed off seeming to remember something.

Soon enough we had reached our destination. The door opened and marines greeted us with more chains and restraints.

"You bastard! Treat me with care!" Franky had bit one of the marines on the head as he spoke with marines forehead still in his mouth, "Do you know who I am?!"

I chuckled at the man's behavior as I followed behind him with Robin behind me. When I looked around I had accidentally caught eye contact with Lucci and I broke away before he could get any satisfaction from it.

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