Chapter 26: Care

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Finally able to stop the thoughts bouncing in my head, I realized my palm was still bleeding as I looked at it blankly, "Oh right."

As a princess, especially because of how convenient my devil fruit was, I rarely got hurt, much less got scars or bled so it was new to me. The dark red liquid spilling from the tiny fingernail marks almost seemed enchanting as it was an unfamiliar yet strangely beautiful sight compared to how my palm usually looks.

"What the fuck happened?" Zoro narrowed his eyes at my palm before pushing my head gently to the direction of the room where Robin, Luffy, and Chopper were in, "Go get that shit checked out before it gets infected."

I had to catch myself from falling over since my feet and balance weren't expecting the push. Finally able to get stable footing again, I turned to Zoro with pout as I held my bleeding palm with my other one, "Chopper has bigger things to worry about than some tiny cuts. A bandaid should do it."

I ignored his calls as I walked towards my room and pulled a bandaid out of my bag and tried to place it on the wound after I washed away the blood, but for some reason it just bled through.

A sigh was heard as I look towards the entrance of the door to see the swordsman looking at me disappointedly, "I tried to tell you, it won't work."

I rolled my eyes and pulled off the useless bandaid, "And what would you know?"

Zoro set down his swords to the side and sat down next to me with a bandage in his hand, "I'd always train too hard sometimes so I'd get cuts on my hands from my swords."

I watched weirdly as he grabbed my wrist and started wrapping my hands. My eyes shift from my hands to his swords that were leaning on a wall unguarded and then to the male, "What's happening?"

"I'm bandaging your hand, what the fuck does it look like?"

My eye twitched at attitude he gave me before I gave him a weird look, "No, but why? Usually I'd expect this from Sanji or Nami, but this is just weird behavior from you. Is the world ending?"

Zoro smacked me on the back of my head before finishing the bandaging, "Shut up," He stood up and grabbed his swords aggressively before walking towards the door.

I looked at my now bandaged hand, my thumb rubbing gently over the bandages with curiosity.

"You know, you're a real pain in the ass!" Zoro had stopped right before he reached the door and then turned to me angrily, ignoring my shocked reaction, "Stop trying to take everything on by yourself, that's not the kind of life you live now."

My eyes widened at the wise, inspirational (and quite uncharacteristic) words that the green haired man spoke.

He turned back around and held the doorknob, "If you wanted to live like that then you should've just stayed on Sinthaya."

And with that he left the room leaving me astounded by his actions.

My eyes drift back to my bandaged hand and then my mind recalls his words before a stifled laugh leaves my lips, turning into a full on chuckle. I placed my hand over my mouth as the smile on my lips refused to leave, even when heat rushed to my cheeks.


Everyone cheered as Chopper announced that Luffy and Robins heartbeats came back and that they were going to be okay.

Sanji complimented Chopper which led him to blush and do his little dancey dance per usual before the cook left to make some drinks to celebrate.

"Nami, will we be setting out?"

Nami smiled, overjoyed with the news, as she shook her head and grabbed some blankets, "No, not with our captain like that. We have the log, but it's safer to stay here for today."

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