Chapter 5

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"Did you leave the party early?" Non inquired when we crossed paths on set.

I nodded slowly. "Someone vomited on my dress, and I didn't want to trouble you, so I just took a cab and went home. I apologize for leaving," I explained.

"It's alright. I had no idea you had to deal with that. My apologies," Non said, his expression showing remorse. However, the real troublemaker was staring at me intently, making it seem like I was the one at fault.

"Okay, cameras rolling in 3... 2... 1," the director announced, and I exchanged a glance with Non.

We were on set today to film a kissing scene. However, Freen had convinced the director it was too early for that, so we had to improvise scenes that would still appear sweet without the kiss.

Non reached for my hand and leaned in closer to whisper something. I chuckled when he remained silent. Seduction certainly wasn't his strong suit.

I gazed at Non seductively, and as I caressed his cheeks and smiled, he couldn't meet my eyes and blushed. It was as if he was trying to resist looking at me, quickly averting his gaze. I playfully turned his head and was about to lean in for a playful nose kiss when Freen abruptly stood up.

"Cut!" the director called out.

Even the crew seemed perplexed by the sudden interruption, considering the scene had been going smoothly.

Freen shot me a glare before turning to the director and signaling for him to follow her into the tent. Non and I exchanged sighs.

"What's her problem, seriously?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Maybe she's having a tough day," Non chuckled, offering me a bottle of water from his personal assistant. "Thirsty?"

"Thanks," I replied, gratefully accepting the water. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the crowd, we both headed to our folding chairs.

I excused myself after a while and walked a bit. Upon reaching Freen's tent, I overheard them arguing, so I decided to eavesdrop.

"I told you, Freen, now isn't the time for your insecurities. We can't replace Becky because she's perfect for the seductive role. Did you see how well she improvised just now? Even you were taken aback," the director reasoned.

"I don't care how good she was. It didn't seem like acting, it was as if that's her natural self!" Freen retorted.

"Enough, Freen. This is my series, and I've had enough of your requests to change the actors," the director snapped.

"Why? Because you have a crush on Becky, don't you? The way you look at her is different," Freen scoffed.

"That young girl is being mistreated in her company. She doesn't have a personal assistant or manager, and she takes a cab every day to get to the set. She's working hard, Freen, and that's what I see in her," the director sighed. "I'm helping Becky not just because she's beautiful and charming. She deserves recognition in this industry. I hope you'll see that soon."

The director left the tent, and I quickly moved to hide on the other side so he wouldn't spot me. Freen, however, noticed and glanced in my direction.

"What?" I asked, recalling her previous behavior.

"Psh," Freen rolled her eyes and returned to her seat.

After that argument, the shooting proceeded smoothly. Freen didn't interrupt again, and when her phone rang, she left, allowing us to finish the shoot quickly.

"That's a wrap! Well done, everyone!" the director applauded and approached us.

"Thank you, sir," I smiled, and he affectionately ruffled my hair.

"From now on, you don't have to worry about Freen. She'll be here to observe the shooting and assist with scenes, but she won't be replacing you anymore," he assured me, and I nodded gratefully.

"Thank you," I said, lowering my head, and my eyes welled up.

"Don't get emotional now. Save your tears for tomorrow's emotional scene," the director chuckled, and I nodded.

"I'll take you home," Non offered, and I nodded.

I wasn't sure whether to be relieved that I wouldn't be replaced anymore, but the thought of Freen still watching us filled me with unease.

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