Chapter 49

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Irin walked ahead of us, but before I followed her, I quickly put on my mask, sunglasses, and cap. Zee glanced our way, and Saint seemed upset with the café staff.

"Irin!" I shouted after getting tired of chasing her in the parking lot. "Are you planning to cry in a taxi? I have a car!" I called out.

Irin paused and turned back toward me. She didn't say anything but her silence conveyed her hurt.

Who would have expected this? Zee had always been honest with us since our teenage years. He never concealed anything. However, this time, he not only lied but kept it a secret.

"Becky!" Zee called as I was about to get into my car. I felt disgusted by him, for reasons I couldn't quite explain, even though we both had secret affairs. "Let me explain."

"Not to me, Zee. You didn't hurt me," I replied.

"I know I told you I liked you before. I even proposed to you multiple times. Believe me, Becky, I still do," Zee explained.

"But I don't want to marry you, Zee. I don't want to lose a friend, but you're the one who gave us a reason to let go of you," I responded.

Zee reached for my hand, but I pulled it away. "Becky, believe me, I'm doing this for you."

"Don't drag me into this mess, Zee. You hurt Irin, and I won't tolerate you for that," I said, turning my back and getting into my car, leaving Zee with a sad expression.

"What did he say?" Irin asked, trying to sound clear. "Did he explain when he realized he was gay?"

I shook my head. "He apologized, but I told him I wasn't the one who got hurt. He should apologize to you."

"Zee and I never had a thing. I never confessed my feelings. I did everything just to be with him," Irin said, tears welling up. "Is that the reason he had so much money, even though it wasn't payday? Does he have a sugar daddy?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at Irin's words. She looked like a child who had lost her favorite toy.

"Why are you laughing?" Irin asked, pouting.

I chuckled again and focused on driving. I took Irin to her apartment and stayed with her for a while. She poured out her heart about everything she had sacrificed for Zee, how much she loved him, and how he was the reason she had agreed to seduce Saint – to get closer to Zee.

I rubbed Irin's back as she hugged me, and she eventually fell asleep, tears staining her pillow.

I stepped outside her room and found Zee in the living room. He stood up when he saw me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, approaching him and then stepping out of the apartment.

"I'll explain, Becky," Zee said, not letting go of my hand, so I had to pull it away.

"Are you blind or numb? Irin has liked you from the beginning. Can't you feel it? She did everything to have you around, helped you in any way she could. And now this?" I asked, frustration evident in my voice.

"Irin likes me?" Zee asked, puzzled. "I didn't know. Every time we were together, she'd tell me about the guy she liked, Becky. So, I didn't think it was me," he explained. "But Becky, even so, Irin knows that I like you."

"You like me but you're kissing Saint in public?" I scoffed. "Explain it to me, Zee. Why did you do that?"

"I know your plan to seduce Saint so you could be with Freen. Even though I want you, I still want you to be happy with someone you like," Zee began. "Irin's seduction wouldn't work because he's gay. So, I did my best to get his attention. Do you know how hard it was for me to do this, just so you could have Freen?" Zee asked.

"I didn't ask you to do it, Zee."

"Even so!" he yelled. "You don't have to ask for everything you want, Becky. I know who you want..." He lowered his head. "It's not me, and it's not Irin."

I remained silent, overwhelmed by guilt. I didn't know what to say to his revelations. Zee had hurt Irin, and Zee was hurting because of me. He had done everything for me.

"I don't want to tell you this, so you won't feel guilty, but I can't hide it forever," Zee sighed, looking at me with teary eyes. "I can't back down now, Becky. I'll do this until you get what you want."

"But you're hurting Irin, Zee," I told him.

"Even if I stop now, I can't reciprocate Irin's feelings. I'll tell her everything, but I won't drag you into this," Zee said, patting my shoulder. "I hope I'm not sacrificing my love for you for nothing. Make sure that in the end, Freen chooses you over him."

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