Chapter 39

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"And then what happened?" I asked Irin while resting my head on her lap as we sat on the couch.

"I told you, Becky, he changed. When he saw me, he was polite but didn't even touch me," she sighed and playfully flicked my forehead. "I'm doing this for you and to get closer to Zee, you understand? Don't give me that look."

"What?" I asked, chuckling. "I just didn't expect you to go this far for me."

"You've helped me before, so I'll do whatever I can to help you. But if things get worse, promise to stop, okay? I won't leave you, but I don't want to see you hurt. This is dangerous," Irin reminded me. "Zee gave me Saint's schedule. I'll meet him at the hotel tomorrow and try to seduce him again. I'll send you images. Also, I'm heading to the club tonight. Do you want to come?"

"No," I declined. "Anyway, what's he doing at a hotel?" I asked.

"I don't know. But Zee told me that Saint used to frequent hotels with different women. Maybe he'll meet someone there tomorrow too," she shrugged. "I'll send you the details. Don't get too curious. Now, tell me what happened earlier? What did Freen say?"

I sat up straight and smiled at her. "She accepted the deal," I exclaimed, and she rolled her eyes. "Why aren't you happy?"

"You offered her a deal because you knew I would do anything to become his mistress," Irin leaned in and pinched my cheek. "You're such a naughty kid, Rebecca."

"Ouch!" I removed her hand and pouted. "It's a win-win situation, Irin. You can see Zee anytime you want because of Saint, and I can have Freen all to myself."

Irin rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I don't know what's gotten into you, Becky. You two are like the main characters in 'Corpse Bride.' You know that movie?" she asked.

"What about it?" I asked innocently.

"Just like the corpse there, you've fallen hard for Freen. But just like Victor, Freen never fell for you," Irin laughed, causing me to squint.

"That's not funny," I rolled my eyes, and Irin couldn't stop laughing.


I went home early since I hadn't planned to stay at Irin's apartment. I had to update my fans and go live with Non tonight, but he told me he had a late interview with NuNew. He asked me to stay awake because there was a possibility the host would call me, so I waited.

There was no live streaming because it wasn't a live interview after all, so I just waited for someone to call me. I cleared my throat and prepared for possible questions.

"Hello?" I asked in a raspy tone, trying to sound sexy.

"Is that how you seduce me?" Freen's voice came through, making me check the caller ID. Had she changed her number? Why wasn't it saved in my contacts?

"I'm waiting for someone to call," I replied, biting my lower lip.

Why did Freen's voice sound so sexy even without effort? Everything about her seemed effortlessly attractive.

"I'm in a club right now. I can see my husband from afar," Freen sighed. "Can you come over?" she asked.

"For what?" I asked back. "Are you trying to make him jealous? I'm an artist, Freen. It wouldn't be appropriate for us to flirt in public."

"Jealous?" She huffed. "I thought you were going to catch him cheating?" she asked.

"Yes, but I have my ways," I assured her.

"Fine," she acquiesced. She was about to hang up when I stopped her.

"Wait," I interjected. "Are you drunk?" I asked when I realized she didn't sound like herself. She seemed tipsy.

"Of course not," she replied. "I'll hang up now if you won't come over."

"Which club?" I asked.

"I'll send you the location. Bring a camera with you," she prompted.

Freen sent me the club's location, which I wasn't familiar with. I messaged Non that I wouldn't be able to answer the call because I had to go to the club for personal reasons. He understood my situation.

"Why does Freen sound like that? As if she's seducing someone?" I muttered under my breath. "Something's wrong."

I drove off quickly to reach the club, and it was packed with people dancing. I couldn't spot Freen in the crowd or at the counter. However, I saw Saint. He was chatting with Irin now. I wanted to punch his face right then. It was my plan, but could he at least check on his wife before flirting with anyone else?

I looked around and saw Freen on one of the couches far from where Saint and Irin were sitting. She was with a guy, and her head was resting on his shoulder.

"Excuse me," I called to the man. "Is she your girlfriend?" I asked, even though I knew she wasn't.

"Yes, why?" The man caressed Freen's cheek, and she seemed wasted.

Damn that GPS; that's why I didn't catch up with Freen while she was sober.

"She's also my boss, and she's someone's wife," I reminded the man.

His face turned serious, and he glared at me. I glanced around the table to look for Freen's bag and saw a plastic bag containing candies covered in neon cellophane.

My fists clenched, and I grabbed Freen's bag. "I'm taking her home. If you won't let me, I'll call the police for giving her drugs," I threatened him.

"I am the chief's son, bitch," the man chuckled, and his friends laughed at me.

"And I am Satan's mother, asshole," I glared and tried to reach Freen, but he stopped me.

"Let go of her," someone said from behind. "She's with us." Non helped me get Freen, and the guys looked afraid after seeing Non and NuNew behind me.

Non helped me get Freen into my car and fastened her seatbelt. She was asleep and completely wasted.

"Are you sure you can take her home?" Non asked. "I can give you a ride."

"It's fine. I don't want to burden you further. Thanks, anyway," I smiled.

"Those guys were targeting women they could drug and sleep with. The last time I caught them, I gave them a piece of my mind. That's why they seemed scared earlier," Non explained.

"Should I compliment you for that?" I asked.

Non chuckled and shook his head. "I just want to brag," he laughed. "Anyway, I'll let you head out now. Take care, okay?" Non tousled my hair, and I nodded.

I waved goodbye to him and drove off to Freen's condo.

My instincts never failed me.

a/n: We did it baby 4.0 happened. My FB heart is crying 😫❤️.

Anyways, just a reminder to all readers/vivies out there. Don't force me to put someone in this story and don't tell me that I'm ruining Becky's reputation because this is just a fanFICTION. If you don't know what fiction is, feel free to leave. I don't want to explain over and over again. Goodnight.

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