Chapter 21

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The room filled with blinding sunlight, rousing me from slumber. To my surprise, Freen was no longer by my side. I scanned the room and spotted her standing in front of the mirror, donning an oversized blue-striped polo that certainly didn't belong to either of us. It was an unusual choice, but somehow, it suited her.

"Good morning," I greeted.

Freen turned towards me, her expression devoid of emotion. She didn't smile, and the weight of last night's events seemed to hang heavily on her.

The connection we had shared had felt primal and authentic, yet something troubled her. Was it because of our age difference? Or perhaps because I was her artist, working under her?

"What's on your mind?" I inquired, wrapping myself in a blanket as I left the bed to join her. I hugged her from behind, resting my chin on her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"This doesn't sit right, Becky," Freen sighed. "I'm sorry for taking advantage of you. You're still so young; you shouldn't be involved in this."

"I'm old enough to handle these things, Freen. Don't see me as a teenager," I replied.

Freen gently removed my hands and turned to face me, cupping my cheeks with a faint smile.

"You'll understand soon why I see this as wrong," Freen said, caressing my cheeks. "Let's have some breakfast. I've prepared something for you." She reached for my hand and started to lead me out but then realized I wasn't wearing anything.

"I'll quickly change. You go ahead," I said, offering a smile.

Freen nodded and left the room, gesturing toward the closet. I walked over to it, finding a mix of her clothes. However, something caught my eye – a pair of men's Oxford shoes tucked at the bottom, looking well-worn.

I dismissed it, assuming it belonged to her brother. It struck me that I knew so little about Freen; her personal life remained shrouded in secrecy, except for her fame as a strict and successful entertainment CEO.

"Bec, are you ready?" Freen knocked.

"Coming," I replied, hastily grabbing clothes to change into.


Over breakfast, Freen remained silent, her thoughts seemingly consumed by last night's events. I couldn't discern what was bothering her, aside from her apparent guilt.

I felt a twinge of offense. She had reveled in the experience last night, yet now she seemed burdened by it. Had I done something wrong? Was it because of our age difference?

"Are you busy today?" Freen finally spoke.

I shook my head. "No."

"No shoot?" Freen inquired.

"Nothing until tomorrow," I replied curtly.

I kept my responses brief, hoping she'd sense my irritation, but she appeared unfazed, as if she didn't care.

"Tomorrow, you have the pool scene, right?" Freen asked, and I nodded, my mouth still full of food.

"Why do you ask?" I said.

Freen shook her head. The situation had grown dull, and I longed to go home or to the mall for my usual routine.

"Let's go to the arcade," Freen suggested, furrowing my eyebrows.

"To prove I'm still a kid?" I scoffed.

"No, I want to relax. These past few days have been tough on me. I need a mental break, and some fun at the arcade might help," Freen explained. "After that, we can go to karaoke and grab a meal."

I sighed and agreed, despite my current unease. I couldn't turn down her invitation; I genuinely wanted to spend time with her, to be by her side every day. Her presence held a special allure.

Was I becoming addicted to her? Perhaps Irin was right. It seemed I was falling for my CEO.

"Let's shower and then head out," Freen smiled faintly and nodded.

Freen and I showered together, but I resisted any temptations. I didn't want to initiate anymore; it hurt to feel like I was the only one pushing for our intimacy when she had started this situation.

Leave Your Lover (18+) || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now