Chapter 48

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"You've been nominated for the Most Popular Couple of the Year, Rising Star of the Year, and Best Series Award. So, you'll need to attend the award ceremony next week. Also, you have a television show performance scheduled with Non tomorrow," Nam explained our upcoming schedule.

Honestly, I didn't know how to face Non after what had transpired that night. I was afraid he might bring up the subject in public. I knew I needed to speak with him privately to explain everything.

Perhaps, he would understand. He had always been supportive, shielding me from the media whenever my name made headlines. Maybe this time would be no different.

"Ah, Non," I called out as he walked by. I signaled to Nam to give us some space, and he did the same with his personal assistant.

"What is it?" Non asked with a bright smile. "Need something?"

"Actually, I'd like to talk to you privately," I told him, lowering my head. "It's about my answer to your question."

"Sure," he replied. "Where?"

We stepped into his dressing room, and I let out a sigh.

"You know about my gender identity, right?" I began.

"Yeah, I do," he replied.

"I have feelings for someone of the same gender, Non. I truly appreciate everything you've done for me—the effort, the support—but I can't keep you waiting for something that won't happen," I confessed. "I'm in love with someone else."

Non remained silent for a moment before awkwardly chuckling. "It's okay, Becky. Thank you for being honest with me." He approached me and tousled my hair. "Don't feel uncomfortable around me, okay? I understand."

"I'm sorry, and thank you," I said, smiling back, and he nodded.

Non excused himself and left the dressing room. My phone buzzed, and it was a message from Irin, asking to meet her immediately. However, I still had a shoot, so I informed her that I would meet her after filming.

As I was about to leave, someone's phone also buzzed. I wasn't sure whose it was, but I noticed a message notification on the screen. It was from an unknown number, but the location sent by that person matched Irin's current whereabouts.

A sense of unease washed over me, so I quickly informed Nam that I had an emergency and didn't wait for her response. I hopped into the car and headed to where Irin was.

Irin was already there, sipping on her coffee. She furrowed her brows when she saw me.

"I thought you weren't coming, so I ordered coffee before leaving," she said.

"I saw a phone inside the dressing room on set. An unknown number sent your location to the owner of the phone," I explained.

Irin glanced around and furrowed her brows even more. "What do you mean? There are no other customers here besides me."

"That's what I'm concerned about, Irin. Lately, someone has been stalking Freen and me, sending pictures to Freen without revealing their intentions. So when I saw the location associated with that person, I rushed here, fearing that someone might also be stalking you," I said, scanning the area again.

"I don't understand, Becky. Why would someone stalk me when I'm not even a celebrity?" Irin asked.

"Maybe they know you're my best friend. I'm just worried, Irin. Don't go to secluded places, okay? It's not safe. Someone might—" I halted when I saw a familiar face entering the café.

Oh no, what's he doing here? I thought he was out of town for a while. When did he come back?

"Hey, that's Saint," Irin whispered, quickly changing her seat to avoid being noticed by him. "If he sees me with you, he might figure things out."

I joined Irin, sitting beside her to keep a low profile. My heart raced as I looked at Irin. Maybe the person who texted the owner of that phone wasn't stalking Irin but rather Saint.

"You know, I don't understand why you don't just try to seduce Saint. He seems interested in you," Irin commented, sneaking a peek at their table. "If you made the first move, he might give in. Don't you find him attractive even a little? He's incredibly wealthy, Becky."

"There's only one thing I appreciate about him," I said. "His wife."

Irin shot me a stern look and gestured for me to be quiet. We both kept an eye on Saint's actions, noting how he checked his watch from time to time.

"Do you know why he didn't respond to you?" I asked Irin.

"Don't tell me you're going to say I'm not attractive because I swear, if you do, I'll unfriend you," Irin nearly raised her voice.

"He's gay, Irin," I chuckled, watching Saint closely.

A minute later, Zee entered the café, appearing a bit late for a secretary.

"I'm not sure if Zee is doing his job properly. Why is he late?" Irin began but abruptly stopped when something unexpected occurred.

Did they just fucking kiss‽

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