Chapter 53

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Freen held a press conference because people wouldn't stop talking about my picture with Zee. She asked me to join her for the conference.

"I want to clarify that the guy in the picture is just a friend, and we were outside a friend's apartment. They're both private individuals, not in showbiz, and I'd appreciate it if we could respect their privacy," I explained.

A reporter raised her hand, and Freen signaled for her to speak.

"Are you currently in a relationship with Non?" she asked.

"No," I answered discreetly.

"Follow-up question: Did you reject him?" she asked again.

"Non and I are very good friends. He's special to me, and I don't want to rush into anything. I've discussed this with him, and he understands. I'm at the beginning of my career, and my focus is on my work," I replied.

Another reporter stood. "There are rumors circulating on the internet. Trolls claim to have a voice recording of you rejecting Non, and they suggest it's not about your career. Is it true that you turned him down because of another woman?"

Gasps filled the room, except from Freen, the reporter, and me.

I sighed, about to reveal the truth that I was in love with someone else when Freen discreetly held my hand under the table, hidden by the cloth covering it. She shook her head, signaling for me to deny the accusation. She understood how much I valued our relationship, but I was sure this was someone's scheme. They likely thought that if I denied Freen, she would be offended. However, they underestimated Freen; she wasn't shallow.

"Ms. Becky Armstrong enjoys working with my company. I've known her for nearly a year, and I've witnessed her dedication. Whoever is spreading these rumors, please don't believe them unless Becky herself confirms it," Freen explained.

I turned to her and mouthed 'thank you.'

After the conference, Freen and I headed to a party with the cast of my new movie. Everyone was aware of our recent press conference.

"How did the conference go?" Non asked, handing me a bottle of water as soon as I arrived.

"Lots of questions and quite tiring," I said, about to take a sip when Freen entered the room. She also held a bottle of water, so I stopped myself. "Anyway, when does the party start? Are the fans already outside?" I asked, placing the water on the table.

Non glanced at the water and then back at me. "Yes, the VIPs are already inside, and the host is entertaining them. There was a technical issue, so we couldn't go there earlier."

I nodded at Non and excused myself to talk to Freen. I smiled sweetly at her.

"I'm thirsty; could I have some of your water?" I asked.

Freen was busy with the papers the staff had given her, but she managed to open a bottle of water for me and even wiped my lips, all while focused on the documents.

"By the way, Freen, I noticed that last time, Saint handed you an envelope with files in it," I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"What about it?" she asked.

"I saw a name on the outside—R. Armstrong. I was just curious about who it was for," I chuckled awkwardly.

Freen looked at me with furrowed brows, as if I had asked a forbidden question. There was a tense silence between us when Non arrived and wrapped his arms around me. Freen glanced at his hands, but I couldn't remove them with so many people watching.

"I heard you were asking about R. Armstrong?" Non asked. "It's Saint's stepfather, Becky. They lived in the UK, which is why Saint often went there."

My world crashed upon hearing this. Freen glared at Non, confirming that he was right.

"Why are you so curious about it?" Non asked, smiling at me.

"I'm also an Armstrong. Maybe we just share the same last name," I said with a smile.

Non tilted his head. "Now that you mention it, you do look quite similar to him." He excused himself for a moment to retrieve his phone and scrolled through his gallery.

"Stop it, Non; you need to prepare for your performance later," Freen interjected, but it was too late.

When all of the people in the room left, Non showed me a family picture of Saint with my father and his mistress.

I was taken aback and didn't know what to say. What a small world it was. I no longer had a reason to pity Saint. I had distanced myself from Freen before, fearing that Saint might get hurt, but it was impossible that Freen didn't know about all of this.

"You knew?" I asked her when Non left. "You knew that Saint's father is my biological father."

Freen remained silent and eventually nodded.

"Is that why you wanted to end things between us before? Because you found out?" I probed.

Freen nodded again, seemingly afraid of what might happen next.

"You were giving me hints, and you were right. I was clueless," I said with a faint smile and walked away from her.

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