Chapter 41

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I woke up late in the morning, but I stayed still as I noticed Freen getting up. I contemplated leaving while she was in the bathroom to avoid any awkwardness.

However, Freen returned to bed, lying down beside me and wrapping her arms around me from behind. She might not have been aware that I was already awake. Her hands rested on my waist, and she nuzzled her face against my neck.

I couldn't help but wonder why someone like Saint would cheat on a woman as sweet as her. She was being surprisingly affectionate.

"Are you going to work today?" she asked, confirming that she knew I was awake.

"Hmm, I have a photoshoot," I replied.

"Which brand? Can you cancel it? I'm still not feeling well," Freen said, hugging me tightly.

I turned to face her, and she looked at me with sleepy eyes. "It's your husband's brand."

"I'll call him. I'll tell him you're with me," she said, hugging me as if everything were perfectly fine between us.

As far as I knew, she despised me, and I reciprocated those feelings. There was no reason for us to be this close.

"I'm going home," I told her, patting her arms, trying to pry her away, but she wouldn't let go. She clung to me stubbornly.

"If I let you go, I'll be alone again," she whispered.

"It's not my fault you're alone, Freen, with that attitude of yours," I scoffed.

Freen shot me a glare and buried her face in my chest. "Still, I won't let you go."

"Freen, if your husband finds out that I'm here with you like this, he'll be furious with me," I warned her, removing her hands from me. "I'm still in my underwear, see? What if he comes here and finds us like this? Aren't you afraid that the tables might turn, and he'll be the one getting angry at you for cheating?"

"Saint is always busy. He won't come looking for me," she said.

"But I'm the reason he's always busy, so he might come looking for me," I replied, sitting up and forcing myself to slide off the bed. However, I realized that Freen had torn my camisole, leaving me without any clothes to wear.

"It's unhygienic to wear the same clothes from yesterday. Why don't you wear mine?" Freen suggested, smirking.

"I'd rather go outside shirtless than wear yours," I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"I'd rather keep you locked up here with me than let you go outside shirtless," Freen said, crossing her arms. "You're going to wear my clothes, or you're not going anywhere?"


I arrived at the photoshoot wearing Freen's clothes, as I had no other option. However, as soon as Saint saw my shirt, he furrowed his brows.

"Did Freen let you borrow this?" he asked, eyeing me. "I had it custom-made for her." He bit his lip, and I could sense his disappointment.

I had no idea about that. Freen had told me to choose whatever I wanted, so I had picked a piece she hadn't worn yet. Now, I understood why she hadn't worn it before.

"Actually, Freen and I bumped into each other at breakfast. My clothes got dirty, so I borrowed hers," I lied. "This is her spare shirt from her bag, so..." I chuckled awkwardly.

"You were with Freen?" He raised an eyebrow. "But Freen doesn't usually carry spare clothes with her," Saint pointed out.

"Maybe she was planning to go to the gym," I suggested, trying to divert the conversation, but Saint shook his head again.

"She detests the gym," he replied. "Anyway, you should go inside. Everyone is waiting for you. Please don't be late, Becky. I don't tolerate tardiness."

"Noted," I said, offering a smile before entering the studio.

I couldn't help but wonder how Saint knew so much about Freen, even though he appeared indifferent toward her. It was likely because they had been together since childhood.

Inside the studio, all eyes were on me. Nam, my manager, was also present and immediately pulled me into the bathroom to show me something shocking.

It was a hickey.

"How could you show up at the studio like this? Do you know that most of the people here dislike you because of Non? Those staff members are only civil because you're the ambassador, but deep down, they resent you for being Non's partner, believing that you're tarnishing his reputation," Nam scolded while applying concealer to my neck.

"Why didn't you check yourself in the mirror before coming here?" Nam demanded, clearly frustrated.

"How could I have seen it if—" I stopped myself before revealing why I hadn't noticed it earlier.

Freen hugged me from behind, her face buried in my neck as if she didn't want me to leave. That was why I hadn't seen the hickey before going here.

"Did you see Mr. Saint earlier?" Nam asked after finishing my makeup. "He was looking for you."

"Yes, I spoke to him earlier," I replied.

"And you let him see that mark?" Nam inquired, facepalming. "What if he gets the wrong idea, thinking you slept with someone before coming here?"

"No, I told him I had breakfast with Freen," I explained.

Nam sighed, looking as though she wanted to give up. "You told him you were with his wife earlier, and you have a hickey. What do you think he'll assume? And you're wearing the shirt he designed for his wife. Rebecca, for heaven's sake!"

"What if I did sleep with someone?" I asked, chuckling.

"Damn it, I don't know what to do with you," Nam muttered before walking out.

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