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On the day Qu Zhitao went out, Liao Weishu didn't see her either. Liao Weishu had never been separated from her mother for such a long time. Even if several brothers and uncles accompanied her to eat Western food, what she missed most was her mother.

So she wanted to come back after eating and tell Qu Zhitao about the various things she saw in the Western restaurant.

Liao Shaoping and others will definitely not be able to defeat her. If my niece (sister) wants to go back, then she can go back.

Several people bought a lot of things for Liao Weishu on the road, and then took Liao Weishu home.

Liao Weishu started looking for her mother as soon as she came back, but Qu Zhitao was busy in a magazine at that time. She thought that her daughter would not be able to remember her if she had several brothers playing with her.

It was like this when I was in the army. When Liao Shaoping and the others were in the army, they took Liao Weishu out to play early in the morning on weekends. She never came back except for meals. She didn't see how much Liao Weishu couldn't bear to let her mother go.

Who knew that when she came back today, she would be greeted by her own daughter's attack, with a particularly aggrieved tone.

"Mom, where have you been? Shushu has been waiting for you for a long time?"

Qu Zhitao picked her up, wiped the remaining snack residue on her mouth, and said with a smile: "Mom went out to work. You, your brother-in-law, and Brother Weiji went out to play. Why are you back so early?"

Liao Shaoping breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Sister-in-law Fourth, don't talk anymore. Shushu will look for you as soon as she finishes the Western food. We have no choice but to take her home. But when we came back, we saw that you were not at home either, Shushu." I just kept waiting in the living room and didn't even want to take my lunch break."

Qu Zhitao hugged Liao Weishu and sat on the sofa, patted her back and asked her: "Shu Shu doesn't have a lunch break today?"

Liao Weishu raised her finger and gestured: "Sleep a little bit."

Liao Weicheng added next to him: "I woke up within ten minutes of sleeping."

Qu Zhitao touched Liao Weishu's head and said, "Don't do this next time. You have to take a good lunch break even when mom is not at home. You still have to grow taller. You can only grow taller if you sleep well."

Liao Weishu nodded repeatedly. She attached great importance to her own stature and wanted to grow taller quickly.

"Have you finished drawing today?"

Liao Weishu slowly lowered his head, with a guilty expression on his face.

Qu Zhitao sighed helplessly: "Shu Shu, you can't be like this. You didn't go out to play or draw. You just missed your mother here and ate. This afternoon was wasted. And you still haven't done anything today. You have to draw, but if you don't draw in the afternoon, you have to work overtime in the evening, dance and practice calligraphy, so you have to stay up late again today."

The more he spoke, the harder Liao Weishu lowered his head, and the more he knew he was wrong.

"Mom, I won't be like this anymore."

Qu Zhitao touched her head: "You must develop a habit of completing your homework first and then playing."

Liao Shaoping and others listened with heartache: "Fourth sister-in-law, Shushu is not yet four years old, so you don't need to be so strict with her, right?"

Liao Weiji and Liao Weicheng nodded: "Yes, Auntie, it's okay for her to have fun for a while at her age. She can get used to it after she goes to elementary school."

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