Part Four (Edited)

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It was finally time for jump training! To say Rose was excited was an understatement, easy company was always making fun of her for being an adrenaline junky but that's exactly what she was, she loved the feeling of falling so jumping out of a plane was very exciting for her. 

First Jump. Second Jump. Third Jump. Fourth Jump. Fifth Jump. 

Soon all of Easy company had completed all the jump training and earned their jump wings. As well as jump training, Rose and the other medics had medic training which was quite easy, Rose already knew most of the things they were told and with Eugene Roe's help, she quickly learnt the things she didn't know. 

Rose was walking in her uniform towards the makeshift bar that had been created to celebrate everyone getting their jump wings, her own jump wings were displayed proudly in their place. Rose hesitated for a moment outside listening to the shouts that came from inside, she didn't know how everyone was going to react as they had never seen her in a dress or skirt before and here she was in her skirt, she straightened it out again and slowly opened the door and stepped inside. 

No one noticed her at first but that soon changed when Bill Guarnere shouted "Hi ho... wow" he was meant to say hi ho silver, making fun of Sobel, but he couldn't help himself when he saw the girl standing near the door. Rose froze under the stares of easy company and she knew that she looked different from what they had normally seen her but she had no idea they would react like this. 

"Tiny!" George Luz shouted as she slowly made her way over to the bar where Luz stood, all the eyes in the room following her, none of them were looking at her with any lust or ill-intent, they were just shocked that this was the same girl they had spent all that time with. Luz handed her a drink of what she presumed was beer and pulled out a seat for her next to Toye, Rose looked around still finding all eyes on her which caused her to shift uncomfortably, "alright guys!" Luz shouted, "Shows over go back to doing what you were doing." 

The words made all the men snap out of their stares and go back to talking to each other. Rose smiled thankfully at Luz who winked cheekily at her before he started to impersonate Sobel to Toye, "Corporal Toye," Luz leaned forward as Rose giggled into her glass, "There will be no leaning in my company, are those dusty jump wings? How do you expect to slay the huns with dust on your jump wings?" 

Toye rolled his eyes and grabbed Luz before answering, "Listen Luz, just get me a drink." He commanded as Rose realized just how drunk he was and was about to contest but the drink was already in his hand before she could.

Rose was about to comment but the loud cry of "ten hut" interrupted her which caused everyone to stand to attention. The Colonel walked in and stood in front of the group, "At ease paratroopers," he commanded, "Good evening easy company, now parachute infantry is a brand new concept in American military history, but the 506th is going to forge that new concept into victory, I want you to know that I am damn proud of each and every one of you, now you deserve this party. I would also just like to say that I am especially proud of the army's first female combat medic," All the eyes in the room glanced at Rose whose face flushed red with embarrassment, "I have seen her train and I think you already know this but you are very lucky to have her in easy company," Rose smiled at the Colonel who smiled back and lifted the drink that he had been given, "so I want you to have fun and remember our motto... currahee!"


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