Part One

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It was January 1945 and Easy Company had been asked to make their way through Ardennes Forest to help push the Germans back, as the companies ranking Medic Rose was often pulled aside for makeshift meetings with the officers and sometimes even helped with tactical things. Rose was currently stood shaking from the cold looking over Buck's shoulder down at a map and followed Lip's finger as he told Buck "we were here this morning, then we came this way" Buck nodded his head "so here had to be the lane, so that means we have to be right there" Buck poked his finger at the map and into Malarkey's back "hey" he said in protect as he looked back and glared jokingly at Rose who had giggled slightly "stop crying Malark or i'll nail it to your head" Buck smiled as he looked around at the men waiting for orders and he looked back at the medic as she giggled again at what Bill said "good, it's made of wood" the map was taken from his back and the group stood up "Guarnear move 'em out" Rose patted Skip's arm and pointed to the cigarette in his hand which he handed over to her. Easy Company began to move over with Rose stood close to Lip as they walked but Rose suddenly remembered Dike but as she walked around she could not see him but she shook her head and knew that somewhere Dike would have to be there because he was in charge of easy company and they would not make an attack without him, right?

Easy company had been told to dig in and small groups had been told to search the area, Rose was walking around and overheard Hoobler talking about the Lugar he had gotten from the German soldier had run into and later on she heard him talking about it again but the story was slightly different which made Rose smile. Rose saw Shifty digging his foxhole on his own so she grabbed a shovel and jumped down to him and began to help him, they had talked about anything and everything and when Lip walked over and saw the two of them digging he also grabbed a shovel and began to help the pair and that's when Hoobler walked over and began to tell the story of the lugar again "...down he goes right out of the saddle like a sack of potatoes, great accuracy on my part if i do say so myself" Rose smiled and held out her hand, Hoobler placed the gun into the medics hand and watched as she looked at it. "hey shift i even think i could have given you a run for your money" Hoobler said looking towards Shifty who blushed slightly "no no, i'm not a good shot" Rose scoughed slightly while handing the gun back to Hoobler "dad was an excellent shot, he could take the wings of a fly" Rose put the shovel on the ground and jumped out of the hole and turned to Lip "i'm gonna go check on Geney" Lip nodded and watched as the medic walked away.

Rose was minding her own business when she saw Hoobler going to find someone else to talk about his gun when a loud gunshot surrounded the air. Rose ducked down and looked around, she saw Hoobler laying on the floor rolling around in pain, she ran over and looked for an injury but saw nothing because of his clothes. "hey hoobs where you hit?" She asked patting his body down "leg" he said just as Frank came sliding next to her "does anyone have a knife or scissors?" she asked as she tried to rip open the pant leg which she felt dampen due to the blood. Buck and Lip came running towards then and Lip produced a knife from his pocket, he helped Rose cut the clothes and then she could see how bad it was. "shit" she whispered which casue Lip to look wide eyed at her "it's the artery" she said "get Geney" she said to no one in particular as she reached her hand into the wound and tried to find the artery in order to pinch it. Hoobler began to groan in pain as he could feel Rose's hand in his leg but as much as she tried she couldn't find the artery though all the blood. Roe arrived and ordered them to help keep him warm, he replaced Lip in sat across from Rose and the pair of medics tried their best to stop the bleeding while everyone else their talked to Hoobler and tried to keep him warm and calm but it was too late. Rose sat back on the ground her hands covered in blood when she saw Hoobler's eyes close for the last time as his last breath left his mouth.

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