Part Four

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Everyone was gathered around Lieutenant Peacock congratulating him for being chosen to go back to the states for a while, Rose smirked as she could feel the sarcasm dripping from everyone mouths and she knew that it just went over Peacocks head. Rose smirked as Christianson stated "hell of a guy" and then winked at her, Rose looked to her left and saw Lip stood next to her, she smiled as him before whispering "the sarcasm really is just floating over his head" Lip held back a laugh before he joined the circle of men saying "hip-hip hurray" while Rose walked away not really knowing where she was going.

Later that day a camera was going around videoing what it was like on the front line and sadly for Rose they wanted lots of tapes of her. Rose finally made it away from the camera and headed towards Winters tent but stopped when she saw Sink inside "sorry sir i'll go find somewhere else to hide" but before she could go Sink said "no come on in" Rose walked in and stood around a map with her superiors "alright Nix what have they got waiting for us in Foy?" Nixon pointed towards the map and said "they have at least one company around here and they have at least one tank but we haven't been able to spot it yet" Rose looked outside and saw that the camera was occupied with Joe Toye so she smiled "sorry sir but the camera is occupied so i'm gonna make a run for it and get some food" before any of the men could say anything the medic was gone, sneaking past the soldier with the camera, in the direction of where the food was being served.

Rose finally made it and joined the line with Martin who moved backwards so she could go in front of him "no it's fine" she began to protest but Martin grabbed her arms and basically picked her up and placed her in front of him. The line was slowly moving forward when Bill said "hey fellers look who i found" the line turned around to see Toye who had been at the aid station. Skip's loud voice filled the air "hey, Joe Toye back for more" they shook hands and he took his place in front of skip "i escaped from the aid station" the replacement in front of Rose looked at Toye before asking "where did you get hit?" Rose almost laughed when Toye turned around and asked "who's he?" the look on his face showed that he didn't really care though "oh he's a replacement" Skip motioned backwards at the soldier and then moved forward with the line "oh really i thought he was some guy i'd none for two years and forgot his face" sarcasm was dripping from Toye's mouth and Rose giggled slightly as he looked back at her and smiled. Penkala was the only one to answer the replacements earlier question "Joe got hit in the arm, a new years eve gift from a liefwaffle" The replacement looked around at the men as he got closer to the food and asked "have a lot of you been injured?" Rose looked back at Martin as he scoffed slightly "it's called being wounded peanut, injured when you fall out of a tree or something" Rose laughed and heard Bill join in with her as they finally made it to the front of the line, once Rose had gotten her food she walked over to where Malarky was standing as Skip talked with the replacement walking slower to the same place "don't worry there enough crap flying around here your bound to get dinged sometime, almost every single one of these guys has been hit at least once. except for Alley, he's a two timer, he landed on broken glass in Normandy and got peppered by a potato masher in Holland" "you'll find out son" "now Bull he got a piece of exploding tank in Holland and George Luz here... has never been hit, your one lucky bastard" "takes one to know one skip" "consider us blessed. Now liebgott, that skinny little guy, he got pinged in the neck in Holland and right next to him that other really skinny guy thats Popeye and he got shot in his little but in Normandy" Skip had finally made it to his friends and Malarkey added "and Buck got shot in his rather large butt in Holland" Buck heard his name and bagan to tab his butt where the wound had been and Penkala told the replacement "yeah its kinda an easy company tradition being shot in the arse" Skip looked around for anyone else who had been wounded and pointed towards Lip "and even 1st sergeant Lipton over there, he got a couple of piece of a tank shell in Carentan, one chunk in the face and another chunk almost took out his nuts" Rose shook her head slightly as Bill asked "how are those nuts Sarge?" Rose watched Lip roll his eyes slightly before answering "doing fine Bill, nice of you to ask" Malarky then wrapped his arms around Rose "but no matter what your wound is Tiny will always be there to fix you up" The replacement looked towards the medic who smiled back at him.

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