Part Three

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The next day Rose found herself running towards Perconte and Skinny's foxhole when she heard a shout for a medic, she found Eugene already there unding his scissors to cut the pant leg open, she jumped into the hole and produced a couple of bandages while Roe picked out the shrapnel from Skinny's leg, Rose then bandaged the leg as she told the soldier with a smile "it ain't that bad" Once the wound was wrapped Rose jumped up "Frank help carry him to the jeep, Eugene go with Skinny to Bastogne and see if you can get some supplies while your there, oh and some boots for Joe" the two men nodded at the sergeant's orders and they lifted Skinny from the hole and carried him away. Rose stayed in the hole as the artillery began to slow down and she waited for her to be called.

Martin came and stood next to the foxhole Rose was in "hey there's a patrol going out in a bit, Peacock wants you to come just in case" Rose nodded and grabbed Johnny's outstretched hand and climbed out of hole and walked with him to a small group in front of the priest, some were kneeled down listening to the prayer while John and Rose just stood to the side, Rose looked to the side when she heard a jeep approaching with Roe. Rose smiled when she saw he had a box with him and she hoped it would be enough supplies. Once the prayer had ended Skip turned to the group holding his rosary beads "well that's it guys, nothing more to worry about, if we're gonna die now, we're gonna die in a state of grace" Rose walked with Spina up to Roe "patrol" Rose said as she looked into the bos and grabbed a couple a torn up sheets which she presumed would be used as bandages and placed them in her bag "Spina take the box back to your foxhole and try to separate it equally, Geney, i'm going on the patrol so you can either wait here for if i need you or you can go with Spina" Gene handed over the box and wrapped a pair of boots around Spina's neck "give the boots to Joe Toye" he stated before he followed Rose.

Martin looked at Rose and Roe as they joined the group of men getting ready to go "two medics?" he asked and Rose shook her head "he's gonna wait here... in case i need him" Johnny nodded. Rose walked over to Luz who was complaining about Peacock, who would be leading the patrol, "arsehole couldn't find a snowball in a blizzard" Rose giggled slightly as Julian walked past her and up to Johnny who shouted "tactical columns gentlemen" Rose let out a grunt of discontent which caused Johnny to wince "and lady"

The patrol made their way through the woods, snow falling gently around them, if Rose didn't know what was happening she would have called it a beautiful sight and would have taken a picture. Silence filled the group as no one talked, they moved slowly forward, crouching trying to see anything that wasn't trees or snow.

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