Part Three

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The train came to a stop outside of Mobile's train station and Eugene and Rose made their way to the door. Eugene got off first and then he turned and helped Rose get down and when they both turned they saw Sidney Phillips stood next to his car but Rose didn't get the chance to walk before she was knocked to the ground by a crying ten year old boy who looked like a younger version of Rose's dad "Timothy?" she asked shocked as she hugged her little brother close and looked up to see her mother running towards her children, Rose looked towards Sid's car to see Eugene and Sid both smiling at her before they got in and drove away knowing that the trio would reunite another time. Rose stood from the floor and looked at her mother who wrapped her in a tight hug "oh mo stóirín" Rose felt tears fall onto her shoulder and she also felt the little arms of her brother wrap around her waist. Mrs Johnson pulled away and grabbed Rose by the cheeks "let's go home" she said before she turned and walked with her family to their car.

When the car pulled into the driveway the house looked exactly the same but everything was different, Rose got out of the car and laughed slightly when Timothy tried to carry her bag but ended up dragging it along the ground which distracted her from the fact that this would be the first time she was in the house without her father. Once Rose walked through the door she smiled sadly as her mother led her to the table which was full of a freshly cooked roast dinner "i cooked your favourite" mrs johnson said as she pulled out a chair for her daughter who she thought looked beautiful in her uniform. Throughout the dinner timothy told his older sister about school, his friends, about Sid helping him ride a bike, about anything that he could think off and all Rose did was smile.

That night Rose woke up screaming and sweating in her bed after a nightmare, mrs johnson came rushing in and sat on the bed next to her daughter and held her close, as close as humanly possible.

mo stóirín- my darling

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