Part One

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Easy company was stood around waiting to get through the blocked road, some engineers were meant to come and help but they were late so some easy company men were having fun with explosives trying to get through themselves. Most of the men were soaking up the sun which was what rose was doing, she had taken off her helmet and jacket and were lead on the road sunbathing, anyone who walked past her would think she was asleep and she almost was if it wasn't for the explosions. Rose was pulled up by Malarkey as he walked past, easy company was finding another way into town.

As they made their way through the town it was quiet and the wind made the white flags of surrender flow. The houses were nice and if it wasn't a nazi town Rose would have liked to live there but she knew what the nazi's did, she had seen it and it made her blood boil with anger, they had been living the luxury life while innocent men, women and children suffered. Easy company had been told to take the eagles nest and Rose was chosen to run ahead with Malarkey, Popeye, More and Grant, they were running up when they saw the trucks with the rest of easy driving below them. Rose was laughing as she ran and waved at the soldiers below her, when they got to the top Rose looked around with the rest of the group who had been joined by Speirs. Rose watched as Speirs walked over to a dead soldier and laughed slightly when he jumped at Malarkey opening a bottle of champaign "here's to him"

Rose found herself drinking on the balcony with Speirs, Welsh and Nixon as they tried to get out a song but the only thing they accomplished was making Rose laugh. Winters and Lip walked over to the group with a piece of paper in his hand "listen up" winters said dismissing Welsh who was trying to get him to drink "all troop stand fast on present positions" Winters started reading from the paper "the german army surrendered" silence filled the air as the men began to sober up. Winters then left with Nixon saying that he has a present, Rose turned to lip and jumped up from her seating position and jumped into his arms for a hug laughing happily, "the war's over" she breathed Lip placed her on the ground and smiled "happy VE day Tiny" in the back of Rose's mind was the nagging thought that she would be leaving easy company but for now she was happy that the war in europe had ended.

The Girl In The War (Under Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora