Part Four

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They were still in the same area and Rose were making sure everyone was alright as she knew they would be attacking soon. Rose met up with Roe as they counted supplies but a loud cry of "fire!" interrupted them. Rose and Roe took cover behind a tree and waiting for them to be called.

Roe was the first one who left their hiding position and then it was Rose turn. Rose felt the adrenaline run through her veins as she ran to each shout of medic that she could hear. As rose was wrapping a wound when she heard a loud band which caused her to look up and see large tanks heading their way, Rose was hit in the head by shrapnel which caused her vision to blare for a moment before going back to normal, Rose got back to work ignoring her own wounds for the moment knowing that other people needed her more. Rose seemed to move in a zigzag motion as she wrapped wound after wound, she stopped when she saw Welsh in front with a gun shooting at the tank, she rolled her eyes and made a mental note to tell him off for being stupid later as she made her way to another cry for a medic. Rose came to the next shout to see that it was welsh she quickly got to work but not before hitting him upside the head he looked at her confused "what was that for?" Rose focused on the wound before answering "being stupid" Rose completed wrapping "it's just a small flesh wound and the pair looked towards the shooting where shermans had arrived and Welsh shouted "oh you beautiful babies you" Rose laughed slightly before moving on to the next wound.

The Germans retreated which caused cheers to break out towards the men, Rose lit up a cigarette and handed one to Luz who had ended up next to her. Everything seemed to slow down as the adrenaline left Rose's body and the pain from her head injury hit her, Rose gripped her head as a headache began "hey you alright?" Luz asked but shouted for Roe when he saw her hand covered in blood coming from her head. Rose's head had been wrapped in a bandage "it's just a flesh wound" Roe stated as he stood up from his crouched position and held out a hand for Rose to take, he helped her up as Welsh came and stood next to them, "we're moving out" he stated as he grabbed Rose's chin and moved her face to look at him "you alright?" he asked and Rose nodded, she put on her helmet and went to find someone fun to walk with.

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