Part One

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After a long car ride, an even longer plane ride and a somewhat short boat ride Rose finally found herself on the Pacific island of Okinawa. Rose wore the unfamiliar marine uniform and her blonde hair was out of its normal bun and in a plait that ran over her shoulder. When she got out of the boat and onto the beach there were two men waiting for her, while she was walking to the men, the men walked towards her and they met in the middle "Lieutenant Johnson?" One of them asked while they saluted, Rose smiled awkwardly, not being used to how she was treated as a lieutenant, she saluted back and the man carried on talking "I'm lieutenant Robert Mackenzie, if you follow sergeant Burgin, he'll show you to your platoon" Rose nodded and turned to the other man "i'm sergeant R.V Burgin, if you would follow me i'll take you to my... our platoon ma'am" Rose smiled slightly and started to follow him "you don't have to call me ma'am sergeant, Rose is fine" the sergeant smiled "well you can call me R.V or Burgie then" Rose took a deep breath before she walked with Burgin until they got to a small group of men, they were all dirty and looked like they had been through a lot, many of them looked dead in the eyes and none of them smiled, their uniforms were dirty and torn and Rose suddenly felt self conscious about her clean uniform and Rose thought back to all the replacements she had seen in a clean uniform because even though she had fought for years in Europe she was a replacement. "listen up guys" Burgin shouted over the talking of the men "this is Lieutenant Johnson she's our new corpsman, well, medic, she's been redeployed from Europe" Rose smiled slightly towards the men, some glared, some looked confused while others looked at Rose with a blank expression. No one saluted, which Rose kind of liked, "hi, you all can just call me Rose" her voice was quiet and she felt like she did the first time she introduced herself to Easy Company in camp Toccoa. The marines went back to their conversations, waiting for their orders, Rose looked around and saw familiar hazel eyes staring back at her, "hey Eugene" Rose whispered slightly as Eugene Sledge walked towards her slowly, "Rose, what are you doing here?" he asked but before the female medic could answer she was pulled into a hug "like sergeant Burgin said, i got redeployed from Europe" the pair was interrupted from their reunion by a voice coming from behind Eugene "who's this sledgehammer?" the pair turned to see a man smoking "Snafu this is Rose" Eugene introduced and Snafu nodded "your girl?" he asked, Rose turned and smirked at Eugene "your girl?" she repeated the question and watched at Eugene blushed slightly "i never said she was my girl but yeah, she's the girl i told you about"

After a small conversation with Eugene and the group she got to know Snafu more and she also learned that some of the men were replacements, the conversation Eugene and Rose was having was cut off by another sergeant walking towards the company "k-company?" he questioned, Burgin nodded and then glanced at Rose to see if she was alright with his taking charge, afterall she was the company's lieutenant, "we're moving out soon..." the man was distracted by Rose who smiled as she stood from her seated position "who's the new private?" the man asked, the way Rose was sat made it impossible for the man to know she was a lieutenant because her chevrons were on the side facing Eugene "Rose" she answered "i'm a medic" k-company watched the interaction with questions running through their minds, "a woman in the war" the sergeant scoughed "what is the world coming too?" the man began to walk away but Rose's voice interrupted him "lieutenant" the man turned towards the female as she twisted her body to show him her rank "i'm a lieutenant not a private" the sergeant hastily saluted and when Rose didn't say anything else he turned and began to walk away but Rose shouted to stop him "oh and sergeant" the an turned once more "your flies undone" the rest of the company covered their mouths to hide their smiles and laughter as they watched the sergeant zip up his fly and walk away with his cheeks red with embarrassment. Rose turned towards the group as a marine walked up to her and held out a cigarette for her to take "i'm Bill Leyden and may i just say you are gonna fit in fine here"Rose smiled cheekily and took the cigarette as Burgin walked to her "ma'am" he said and nodded towards the men, Rose smiled at the man "it's Rose and their waiting for your orders, i'm just the medic"

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