Part Nine

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It was time for the assault on Foy, Rose was making sure she had enough supplies when Winters walked behind her "your the only medic going down with the assault, the other medics will join you when you've taken Foy" Rose nodded "don't go acting like a headless chicken, Rose, only do the wounds you can reach without getting under fire, the boys have been instructed to get aid packs so they can handle wounds until you or another medic can get to them" Winters voice was stern as Rose nodded listening to the orders she was give. Rose walked up to Lip who smiled down at her "stay close" he told her and she nodded in reply staring down at the town they were about to take.

Easy company was running through the open field that stood between the forest and the town of Foy, everything was going well with only a few injuries that Rose could handle quickly until Dike called for everyone to stop. Rose stumbled as Dike started to twirl in front of her, if they weren't under fire Rose would have laughed at him, "Dike move" she ordered which caused many of the soldiers around them to stare. Did a sergeant just order a lieutenant? but Rose didn't have enough time to think about rank.

Rose was hid behind a bale of hay with Dike and a couple other easy company men, Lip came around the corner "why have we stopped?" Rose began to breath heavily from the anger that was running through her veins, Rose heard Dike finally give an order "you take your men around the village and attack it from the rear, we will provide suppressing fire" When Rose finally looked at Dike it looked like he was having a breakdown, everyone was talking to him all at once and Rose knew that was not helping the mental state he was in at the moment.

Lip came and sat next to Dike and shouted over the sound of gunfire "sir we are sitting ducks here! We have to keep moving!" Rose did not know what happened, she just felt like something i her snapped "alright everyone shut up!" everyone around the female medic silenced "George get me Winters" Luz picked up the radio and then quickly handed it to Rose who began to speak without waiting for Winters to speak "Captain Winters, you need to get another lieutenant to relieve Dike, he is no longer mentally fit" she handed the radio back to Luz, "Lip try and get all of easy company back together as much as you can, whoever replaces Dike will want to attack Foy from the front like planned" Rose's anger filled eyes turned to Dike "and you, you stay here" Suddenly, Rose was joined by lieutenant Speirs who stood in front of Dike "Spiers" Rose breathed "easy company are a bit spread out but Lip's trying to get them back together as much as he can so we can attack Foy head on like planned" Spiers nodded and then turned to Lip "1st platoon are pinned down by a sniper in the building with the caved in roof" Lip pointed at the building and everyone could see shots coming from the hole, Spiers nodded before ordering"i want mortars and grenade launchers on that building, when its gone we'll go straight in, Sargent Johnson follow behind" Rose nodded and gave one last look at Dike before easy company began to move forward again under the new command of lieutenant Speirs.

Rose stopped in the field to help a soldier with a bullet wound and when she looked up she saw Speirs running through the middle of Foy through the German soldiers "what the hell?" Rose breathed as she just stared at the running lieutenant "he's crazy" she said to herself as she moved forward and took cover from the bullets that were flying towards her. Rose ran towards Lip and Luz who were hiding behind a building and when she got there she stared at Speirs who was running back towards them. Once Speirs made it back to them Rose stared at him before saying "sir" Speirs looked at the medic "your crazy"

The Girl In The War (Under Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن