Part Six

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Rose was stood with all the officers watching Carwood get promoted to Lieutenant, she was stood next to Welsh who was back from the hospital. Rose was taken to the side by Speirs after the little ceremony "i heard what happened with Cobb" he stated "you alright?" he asked looked down at the female medic "yeah, i just hurt my side but it's nothing to worry about, it's just bruised" Nixon and Welsh walked up to them and Nixon asked "what's just bruised?" but before Rose could answer Speirs answered for her "Cobb attacked her" Welsh moved closer to the girl "you alright Tiny?" he asked with a worried expression spreading across his face Rose smiled slightly "your not even back for a day and your already worrying about me" Welsh looked at the girl "i'll always worry about you Tiny, everyone does"

Easy company was packing up into trucks that were there to take them off the front line, Rose watched as Winters was promoted to Major and got into the truck with the help of Malarkey who she sat next to, rose placed her head on his shoulder, his hand wrapped around her waist careful of her bruised side, and closed her eyes letting herself fall into a dreamless sleep.

The Girl In The War (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now