Part One

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It was freezing in Bastogne. No one had enough winter clothing, food or medical supplies and easy company spent all of their time in snow filled foxholes getting bombed by the Germans. Rose rarely slept as it was either too cold or she was doing too much, and she spent most of her time moving from foxhole to foxhole as Winters thought it was best to have at least one medic moving around and Rose volunteered as she got along with everyone and she was small so it would be easy for her to sneak into a fox hall. Rose was currently sat next to Spina who was digging a hole for him and Roe, she was counting her supplies that she had left when Roe walked up to them "did you find them?" she asked and Roe shook his head "but i did get some things, i got this" he handed some morphine over to spina "this" he handed a torn bandage to Rose "and i got myself a kraut bandage" Roe sat down as Rose sighed "this it?" she asked and Roe answered "yeah" Rose shook her head and angrily hit the ground "we need a supply drop" she sighed before looking around "you find any scissors yet?" and Eugene shook his head "try asking around, someone's bound to have one" Roe nodded at the sargent before Dike walked up to them "whats this?" he asked "three medics in one hole" Rose rolled her eyes annoyed at the appearance of the man "two sir, i move around" Dike faltered "what's gonna happen to us if you get hit?" Rose turned and looked up at the man "you'll have me" she stated "and besides they aren't gonna get hit". Lipton came and walked Dike back to his foxhole that Lip had most likely dug.

Rose began to move around checking that everyone was ok when they were hit with artillery, Malarkey jumped up and pulled Rose into his and Skip's half finished fox hold and covered her protecting her from the blasts "medic!" was shouted which caused her to push Don off her and jump up and begin to run to where the shouts where coming from, she bumped into Roe on the way and they finally found Penkala who was screaming about how he was hit in the artery. The pair soon got him to let go of his arm and wrap the arm "it's not the artery" rose said with a smile. Penkala began to panic "i'm not going back" Roe looked at him "i ain't going to no aid station" Rose wrapped the wound while Rose ducked next to him "you don't wanna go anywhere and you called for a medic" Rose looked towards the sky looking for any incoming artillery "i don't need to go to no aid station" Rose looked at her friend as Roe finishing bandaging his arm and she said "well lucky for you Alex, we don't have an aid station" The artillery stopped and everyone began to look around waiting to see if there would be more.

Rose stood from her crouched position as Roe asked "you got any scissors?" Penkala gave the medic a disbelieving look "why the hell would i have scissors?" Roe sighed slightly and Rose asked "you got your aid kit?" Penkala reached into his pocket and pulled out the aid kit and handed it to Roe while Rose walked around to the other side and asked Bull "have you got your aid kit?" Bull shook his head slightly while still looking forward towards the German line, "ok" Rose said as both medics stood and began to walk away "right, Geney give the aid kit to Spina and tell him to grab someone and go to the 3rd battalion to see if they can spare some supplies, bandages, plasma, anything" Roe nodded at his ranking medic and began to make his way to his foxhole "and then take a rest, i'm gonna carry on making sure everyone's ok" Roe nodded again and then he and Rose went their separate ways.

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