Part Three

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Rose was ready to move behind the bushes if anyone were to call for a medic while the rest of the group began to execute the plan that had been told to them by Winters. rose moved with Buck in front and Bill behind her and Malarky behind him. Buck suddenly stopped and began to make hand gestures that rose did not understand but she was thankful that the others did because in perfect harmony they all throw a grenade over the hedges. While they assaulted rose stayed behind a bit and waited for her to be shouted.

Rose made her way to the trenches when a loud shout of medic caught her attention, when she got there, she saw Toye tending to Popeye who kept repeating how got shot in the but. Rose held in a giggle and gently pushed Toye out of the way, she put pressure on the wound and wrapped it as best she could, she was so focused on what she was doing she didn't notice the grenade land next to her, gladly Toye did, he grabbed Rose and rolled on top of her, they they were both on top of Popeye, Toye quickly pushed himself up, checked himself and then rose as she got back to work on Popeye's wound. Buck was reloading his gun when rose ordered him to talk to Popeye in order to distract him from the pain, Buck looked wide eyed at the girl who looked completely different, she was no longer this smiling happy girl, she was a determined woman who had a job to do. Winters and Buck helped Popeye out of the trench as rose lent against it watching taking a little breath, that was the first real wound she had handled, apart from her own, and she felt proud of herself. Rose smiled slightly to herself as she crouched next to toye. There was another shout of grenade from Buck as Toye, again wrapped his arms around Rose and pulled her under him in order to protect her. Buck jumped in the trench and asked if they were alright but the only reply they got was a moan from Rose who was being crushed by Toye and Toye complaining "fucking twice!"

Rose made her way around the trench but she stopped when she saw Malarky run out into the open field and land next to a dead body, rose sat in between Liebgott and Bill "what the hell is he doing?" she asked as everyone stopped firing "they must think he's a medic" she stated as Bill turned to her "well, he's gonna need a medic" Malarky ran in a zig zag his way back to the trench and once he was there. Rose hit him in the back off the head "what the hell was that?" she shouted at him but she didn't get an answer as he was too busy rubbing his head and being shouted at by Bill.

As rose waited for the shout of medic she watched as the gun was blown up and everyone fired at the germans. Rose followed winters through the trench but came to a stop when they saw a soldier, Hall, lying dead on the floor, Winters crouched down but rose kept on going knowing that Winters may need a moment alone, after all it was his first loss of a man. Rose knew that there was no doubt that easy company would lose more men but that was in the future not now. Rose saw that there was a radio with a map next to it and pointed it out to Winters who grabbed the map and then went back to shooting.

Rose watched as the newly arrived dog company made their way to the last gun and then Winters made the decision to move out. Rose moved quickly with the group and made her way back to the meeting point.

When rose arrived she made her way to the aid station and got to work helping the other medics with the wounded, when night fell they had taken the town and rose was still helping in the aid station until Roe pulled her aside "you haven't eaten anything yet" he stated, rose was about to argue but he cut her off "go get something to eat" he demanded.

Rose soon found herself in a truck sat on the ground in between Lipton's legs as Malarky was cooking, "how do you know what's good, your irish?" Buck asked and rose kicked him the leg "hey, i'm irish" Buck looked towards her and asked "you are?" Rose nodded "my mother is from Belfast" she stated as she began to eat from the bowl that Lipton handed to her "thanks woody" she said as she ate. Lipton patted her on the shoulder. Bill opened the material that surrounded them complaining about the smell. The group was soon joined by winters "evening" then he made a face and asked "did something die in here?" Buck looked at Rose before answering "any word on Meehan?" rose looked at Winters as he shook his head sadly "no, no one from his plane is here apart from rose" everyone in the truck looked towards the female medic as her eyes were shut and she snuggled into Lipton's legs, she had fallen asleep pretty soon after eating as she was exhausted. She didn't even wake up when all the men started to laugh.

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