Part Six

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It was the next morning as Rose gently untangled the sleeping men from her body and climbed out of the hole to begin her rounds, she heard the sound of a plane engine fly overhead and she watched as many men ran out in the open to greet them but they all took cover when they started firing. Rose smiled when she realized that the planes were there to drop supplies, Rose looked around to find Roe "hey, geney" she shouted as she jogged up to him "do you mind going to get the medical supplies?" she asked him "sure Rose" he walked over to Lip who was organising a group of men to go get the supplies they needed "geney" the man in question turned to look at the ranking medic "see if you can get some food while your there?" Roe knew that was a silent order to stay behind and rest for a bit "i've got things handled here until you come back" Rose watched as the small group took off in a jeep in the direction of bastogne.

When Roe got back he was surprised to feel Rose hug him the tightest he had ever been hugged "right, Spina" Rose turned to the medic who's eyes widened "get the antibiotics to everyone who had that bad cough. Geney" Rose turned to Roe "can you give Bill the penicillin for his..." she stopped for a moment "problem" she added slowly before grabbing the boxes of bandages and plasma "i'll separate everything else equally so you know where it is when you need it" Rose turned around with the box in her hand but stopped when she saw Lip smiling at her "everything alright woody?" she asked with a worried expression Lip was silent for a moment before he turned back to the jeep to see the other boxes of supplies being lifted off "everything's fine Tiny"

The sun had gone down and Roe was about to get out of his foxhole the check everyone was alright but was stopped by Rose "i'll do it Geney, you get some rest" Rose moved from hole to hole until she saw a blanket left unattended and she began to make her way to the front line where Buck, Bill and Babe were watching the line. As she approached Bill turned around and pointed his gun at her "oh it's you tiny" Rose smiled as she lay on her stomach "hey you alright?" but before any of them could answer Rose heard snow crunching behind her and she looked over her shoulder to see that it was Roe "i thought i told you to get some rest" Rose said "sorry Rose, i found this blanket thought they could use it" Rose nodded and watched as Roe walked away but before he was completely gone she commanded quietly "get some sleep" Rose turned back around to see Bill wrapping the blanket around Buck "he never calls anyone by their nickname" Babe let out a slight laugh "he called me edward once" Both Bill and Buck looked towards Babe "edward?" asked Buck "you don't look like an Edward" Rose looked to her friend "he calls me Rose" Babe looked at the medic "well that's your name" he stated and Rose laughed slightly "Rosaline, Rosaline's my real name, Rose is just a nickname my friend Sid gave to me and it kind of stuck" Bill let out a slight laugh "is Sid your marine?" he asked while turning slightly Rose looked towards the german line and absentmindedly answered "no Eugene's my marine" and she instantly realized what she had said but when she looked down to correct herself she saw Bills eyes staring back at her full of mischief "shut up" she said as she began to move back from the trio "i didn't say anything" Bill said holding up his arms which were shaking from the cold Rose stopped moving to look at her friend and answered "you were thinking"

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