Part One (Edited)

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It had happened. 

As soon as Rosaline Johnson heard about the war she knew that her friends would want to enlist. So when she found Sidney Phillips on her doorstep with a sad look she knew he had enlisted, Sidney had wrapped Rosa in a hug, "I'm meeting up with Eugene and taking a walk, would you like to come?" 

Rose nodded as her answer to the question from her long-time friend before turning and grabbing her brown coat, "ma, I'm going out with Sid and Gene." She shouted into the house and then shut the door and began to walk with Sid to their normal meeting place.

Sid and Rose found Eugene Sledge whose eyes were slightly red, Rose hugged Eugene and then the group of friends began to walk. Sid had taken Eugene's bike while Eugene had his arm wrapped around Rose's shoulder as they walked, "Your eighteen, Eugene, you don't need your father's permission." Sid said while looking at Rose with a knowing look. 

Eugene waved his arm in order to hit the bugs that were flying around him and Rose before answering, "I can't go against him, Sid." 

Rose snuggled into Eugene's shoulder before asking their friend, "when do you leave?" her voice was quieter than normal but her face still held a small smile, Sid walked a little in front of the pair and hesitated before answering.

"I'm on the six am train to Atlanta." Rose's smile faltered a little as she moved away from Eugene as he reached into his pocket and handed a book to Sid who smiled and read out the title, "Barrack Room Ballads by Rudyard Kipling, thank you Gene but I didn't..." Sid was cut off by Eugene. 

Eugene's voice was soft as he spoke, "it's just something to read on the train or when you ship out." 

Rose smiled sadly smiled at her friends as Sid said "I wish we were going together." the air around the trio got sad and Eugene smiled sadly before agreeing, "yeah well one of us had to stay behind and look after Rose." 

Rose lightly hit Eugene on the arm but he carried on like she hadn't, "take care of yourself." Sid smiled before he began to walk forward, "you don't have to worry about me, just worry about Rose." 

Rose hit Sid's arm lightly before saying, "hey! You do both realize I can look after myself." Rose turned on her heels and began to walk in front of the pair of boys but tripped over a fallen branch. 

Rose slowly looked up from her position on the ground to look at the boys who were trying to hold in their laughter, "ok, maybe I need a little help every now and then," Rose said as her friends doubled over in laughter which Rose soon followed. Her blonde hair flew out of the bun she had placed it in that morning as she stumbled to stand up and brushed the dried dirt off her dress.

It was the next day and the sun was slowly rising when Rose had gotten up and quickly dressed in the same dress as the day before, she rushed out the door running to her bike so she could ride to the train station to say goodbye to Sid. Rose got to the station just in time to jump into Sid's arms and hug him so tight that Sid thought he was going to pop. After the hug, Rose stepped back and immediately felt the arms of her other friend wrap around her as they watched Sid's train leave.

The Girl In The War (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now