Part Five

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Rose was getting ready for the dance, she was dressed in a pink dress and she pinned her hair up in a fancy bun, in the corner of her eye was the brown package she had received and once she had pinned her mother's old broach onto her dress she grabbed it and opened it slowly, a letter fell out and she opened it and it read

Dear Tiny,

I don't know if you heard or not but i got sent to Paris just before the war ended, I think it was winters way of getting me out of the jump that easy would have done if the Japanese had not surrendered. I hope you made it home ok and that you weren't wounded in the pacific. Paris is amazing, you would love it here, the people are so kind and thankful that we helped them defeat the Germans and there are some amazing views. One day i was walking through the markets and saw this necklace and my mind went instantly to you, i hope you will be able to see the real eiffel tower one day but this present will have to do for now.

I'll see you soon
Donald Malarkey

Rose looked at the black box that came with the letter and slowly opened it and saw a silver necklace that shaped into the Eiffel tower, Rose smiled as her mother walked in and saw her holding the necklace "that's pretty, who sent you that" Rose coughed to keep the tears away "a friend" Clodagh nodded and took the necklace and helped her clasp it around her neck, "he's here"

As Rose walked down the stairs she saw Eugene dressed in a black suit smiling at her "you look beautiful" Eugene said and it wasn't a lie but the man found himself thinking back to the pacific and seeing her covered in mud and blood and for some odd reason he thought she looked more beautiful like that than she did right now.

Rose and Eugene said goodbye to Clodagh and then they made their way outside to see Sid's car waiting for them, Mary Houston was sat in the front seat and the girl smiled at Rose as Eugene held the door open for her and she got in. Once they were at the ball Rose felt odd, and she stood with Eugene at the wall, not dancing, Eugene pulled out his pipe and touched Rose's arm "i'm gonna go smoke" Eugene was upset with himself he wanted to make it a good night for Rose but in his mind he was ruining it. Sid saw Eugene leave Rose and whispered to Mary, Mary smiled and watched as Sid ran after Eugene and she made her way to Rose "hi Rose" Mary smiled at rose who smiled back "congratulations" rose stated and pointed towards the engagement ring Mary smiled before pulling Rose towards a seat "maybe you'll be next" Rose gave the girl a confused look "don't act dumb Rosaline Johnson, i see the way Eugene looks at you, he's looked at you like that since high school" Rose looked down at her hands and Mary smiled "let's go see where our men are at" Mary laughed as she pulled Rose to her feet and they made their way to the exit. When Mary saw Sid she shouted "Sidney Phillips, will you get back in here and dance with the women who loves you" Sid got up from the floor "i'm coming boss lady" he said as he walked past Rose with a smile. Rose sat next to Eugene and put her hand into his pocket "what are you doing?" he asked as she pulled out a packet of lucky strikes, Eugene looked at his pocket and wondered when they had gotten in there "i put them in when you picked me up, my ma wouldnt let me bring a handbag with them in" Eugene laughed as he took his lighter from his pocket and lit her cigarette. The pair sat in silence just smoking before Rose spoke "i had a nightmare last night" Eugene looked towards the girl as she continued "about Bastogne" it was a useless piece of information but Rose felt like she could tell Eugene anything, Rose leant her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her "i think it's because i'm sleeping on my own, every night i would sleep with someone beside me so as soon as i'm on my own my mind runs wild and with the added fact that my pa ain't around anymore..." Eugene nodded and in his head he wanted to ask if he could sleep in her bed, maybe it would help his nightmares, Rose opened her mouth and then shut it again before she took a deep breath "if we tell parents that i'll sleep on the floor, could i sleep over?" Eugene looked at the girl who looked like a deer caught in headlights and hmmed "yeah, if it'll make you feel better, i will do anything" Rose smiled.

That night Eugene and Rose slept in Eugene's bed and neither of them had any nightmares because whenever their dreams would get scary they would hug the other as tight as they could and it comforted them.

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