Part Four

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The silence ended as Layden gasped "what?", Eugene just looked at the man as Sanfu walked closer to him "drafted? what kind of marine is drafted?" Layden looked over at Hamm and asked "Hamm, were you drafted?" Hamm took a drag of his cigarette and shook his head, Snafu yet again walked closer "no way! there's no way that broad is banging some drafted marine, no way!" but Peck cut him off before he could carry on "i don't care what you think!" Rose looked between the men before she carefully said "right, lets just all calm down" suddenly orders were being shouted and Burgin came and stood next to Rose "burgin, i could use all the men you could spare" Burgin looked towards Rose before she nodded "second squad lets go" Burgin said as Rose grabbed her bag of medical supplies and began to move with Burgin, "why us?" Eugene asked and Rose turned around as Burgin answered "because your squad's low on ammo, now it doesn't make a damn difference to me 'cause i'm coming with you so grab a damn riffle and move" Rose looked back before saying "come on, i've gotta go anyway, it'll be a lot nicer with people i know" The squad grabbed their guns and took off after the group that was moving closer to the Jap front line. Rose was crouched next to Layden who had grabbed her to stop her from falling "thanks" she smiled as they were joined by Eugene, Snafu, Peck and Hamm, "it's about time you boys got to see what the war's all about" Layden started but was cut off by Burgin "not now Bill" Rose turned to the guys "if any of you want me shout medic or Rose or help, i'll come to any" with that the group moved out, running down the hill, checking the holes, bodies and burnt buildings. A sniper jumped up from some rocks but only got one shot until he was shot and Rose got separated from Eugene who she was walking with to help the marine who had been shot in the leg by the sniper.

The americans found themselves stuck at the bottom of the hill not really knowing what to do, it was silent until some civilians began to walk down between the lines of soldiers, women with babies walked and one mother in particular was crying and so was her baby. Rose climbed her way up towards the woman who was speaking a language that Rose could not understand "lieutenant?" Burgin asked as he saw Rose out in the open, the women began to hand the baby to Rose repeating the same sentence "she's trying to hand Rose her baby" someone said confused at the action but all Rose could hear was the babies cries and the mothers sobs, all she could see was the mothers pleading eyes and Rose placed her arms out in front of her and went to take the baby but stopped when she saw the mother had a bomb strapped to her chest and Rose turned quickly and slipped to cover next to Burgin and Bill as the women exploded with her baby. Machine gun fire rained down on the group as Bill and Burgin began to pull and push the civilians out of the way so they could shoot the Japanese soldiers. Rose then made her way over to a man who was holding his arm tightly and quickly wrapped a bandage around the wound and looked over to where she last saw eugene and saw him shooting at the soldiers

The group was soon retreating because their own people were shooting mortar rounds at them, Rose had stopped as a soldier fell to the floor, his chest breathing heavily "stretcher!" she shouted as she poured sulfur onto the wounds and then grabbed a bandage and shoved it over the wound just as a stretcher arrived, rose nodded at the men and looked around but then followed the stretcher back. Rose looked to see Eugene sat breathing heavily, he looked angry so Rose walked over, her hands covered with blood, "you lot alright?" she asked as eugene looked up at her and then looked at her hand. Rose never got an answer from any of them.

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